Package com.atlan.api

Class AssetEndpoint

public class AssetEndpoint extends AtlasEndpoint
API endpoints for operating on assets.
  • Constructor Details

    • AssetEndpoint

      public AssetEndpoint(AtlanClient client)
  • Method Details

    • select

      public FluentSearch.FluentSearchBuilder<?,?> select()
      Start a fluent search that will return all assets. Additional conditions can be chained onto the returned filter before any asset retrieval is attempted, ensuring all conditions are pushed-down for optimal retrieval. Only active (non-archived) assets will be included.
      a fluent search that includes all assets
    • select

      public FluentSearch.FluentSearchBuilder<?,?> select(boolean includeArchived)
      Start a fluent search that will return all assets. Additional conditions can be chained onto the returned filter before any asset retrieval is attempted, ensuring all conditions are pushed-down for optimal retrieval.
      includeArchived - when true, archived (soft-deleted) assets will be included
      a fluent search that includes all assets
    • auditLogs

      public AuditSearchResponse auditLogs(AuditSearchRequest request) throws AtlanException
      Run the requested search.
      request - detailing the search query, parameters, and so on to run
      the results of the search
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • auditLogs

      public AuditSearchResponse auditLogs(AuditSearchRequest request, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Run the requested search.
      request - detailing the search query, parameters, and so on to run
      options - to override default client settings
      the results of the search
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • save

      public AsyncCreationResponse save(Asset value) throws AtlanException
      Creates / updates any asset, updating any of the existing asset's Atlan tags and entirely ignoring any custom metadata.
      value - asset to upsert
      the results of the upsert
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • save

      public AsyncCreationResponse save(List<Asset> values) throws AtlanException
      Creates / updates any assets, updating any of the existing assets' Atlan tags and entirely ignoring any custom metadata.
      values - assets to upsert
      the results of the upsert
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • save

      @Deprecated public AsyncCreationResponse save(Asset value, boolean replaceAtlanTags) throws AtlanException
      Creates any asset, optionally overwriting an existing asset's Atlan tags and entirely ignoring any custom metadata.
      value - asset to upsert
      replaceAtlanTags - whether to overwrite any existing Atlan tags (true) or not (false)
      the results of the upsert
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • save

      @Deprecated public AsyncCreationResponse save(Asset value, boolean replaceAtlanTags, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Creates any asset, optionally overwriting an existing asset's Atlan tags and entirely ignoring any custom metadata.
      value - asset to upsert
      replaceAtlanTags - whether to overwrite any existing Atlan tags (true) or not (false)
      options - to override default client settings
      the results of the upsert
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • save

      @Deprecated public AsyncCreationResponse save(List<Asset> values, boolean replaceAtlanTags) throws AtlanException
      Creates any assets, optionally overwriting the existing assets' Atlan tags and entirely ignoring any custom metadata.
      values - assets to upsert
      replaceAtlanTags - whether to overwrite any existing Atlan tags (true) or not (false)
      the results of the upsert
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • save

      @Deprecated public AsyncCreationResponse save(List<Asset> values, boolean replaceAtlanTags, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Creates any assets, optionally overwriting the existing assets' Atlan tags and entirely ignoring any custom metadata.
      values - assets to upsert
      replaceAtlanTags - whether to overwrite any existing Atlan tags (true) or not (false)
      options - to override default client settings
      the results of the upsert
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • save

      public AsyncCreationResponse save(Asset value, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Creates / updates the assets provided, entirely ignoring any custom metadata.
      value - asset to upsert
      options - to override default client settings
      the results of the upsert
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • save

      public AsyncCreationResponse save(List<Asset> values, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Creates / updates the assets provided, entirely ignoring any custom metadata.
      values - assets to upsert
      options - to override default client settings
      the results of the upsert
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • saveNoTagsNoCM

      public AsyncCreationResponse saveNoTagsNoCM(List<Asset> values, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Creates / updates the assets provided, entirely ignoring both custom metadata and tags.
      values - assets to upsert
      options - to override default client settings
      the results of the upsert
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • saveMergingCM

      @Deprecated public AsyncCreationResponse saveMergingCM(List<Asset> values, boolean replaceAtlanTags) throws AtlanException
      Creates any assets, optionally overwriting the existing assets' Atlan tags and merging any provided custom metadata values (but leaving any existing custom metadata values as-is).
      values - assets to upsert
      replaceAtlanTags - whether to overwrite any existing Atlan tags (true) or not (false)
      the results of the upsert
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • saveMergingCM

      @Deprecated public AsyncCreationResponse saveMergingCM(List<Asset> values, boolean replaceAtlanTags, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Creates any assets, optionally overwriting the existing assets' Atlan tags and merging any provided custom metadata values (but leaving any existing custom metadata values as-is).
      values - assets to upsert
      replaceAtlanTags - whether to overwrite any existing Atlan tags (true) or not (false)
      options - to override default client settings
      the results of the upsert
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • saveMergingCM

      public AsyncCreationResponse saveMergingCM(List<Asset> values) throws AtlanException
      Creates / updates any assets, including the assets' Atlan tags and merging any provided custom metadata values (but leaving any existing custom metadata values as-is).
      values - assets to upsert
      the results of the upsert
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • saveMergingCM

      public AsyncCreationResponse saveMergingCM(List<Asset> values, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Creates / updates any assets, including the assets' Atlan tags and merging any provided custom metadata values (but leaving any existing custom metadata values as-is).
      values - assets to upsert
      options - to override default client settings
      the results of the upsert
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • saveReplacingCM

      @Deprecated public AsyncCreationResponse saveReplacingCM(List<Asset> values, boolean replaceAtlanTags) throws AtlanException
      Creates any assets, optionally overwriting the existing assets' Atlan tags and replacing all custom metadata values on the asset with the ones provided (wiping out any existing custom metadata on the asset that is not also provided in the request).
      values - assets to upsert
      replaceAtlanTags - whether to overwrite any existing Atlan tags (true) or not (false)
      the results of the upsert
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • saveReplacingCM

      @Deprecated public AsyncCreationResponse saveReplacingCM(List<Asset> values, boolean replaceAtlanTags, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Creates any assets, optionally overwriting the existing assets' Atlan tags and replacing all custom metadata values on the asset with the ones provided (wiping out any existing custom metadata on the asset that is not also provided in the request).
      values - assets to upsert
      replaceAtlanTags - whether to overwrite any existing Atlan tags (true) or not (false)
      options - to override default client settings
      the results of the upsert
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • saveReplacingCM

      public AsyncCreationResponse saveReplacingCM(List<Asset> values) throws AtlanException
      Creates / updates any assets, including the assets' Atlan tags and replacing all custom metadata values on the asset with the ones provided (wiping out any existing custom metadata on the asset that is not also provided in the request).
      values - assets to upsert
      the results of the upsert
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • saveReplacingCM

      public AsyncCreationResponse saveReplacingCM(List<Asset> values, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Creates / updates any assets, including the assets' Atlan tags and replacing all custom metadata values on the asset with the ones provided (wiping out any existing custom metadata on the asset that is not also provided in the request).
      values - assets to upsert
      options - to override default client settings
      the results of the upsert
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • delete

      public AssetDeletionResponse delete(String guid, AtlanDeleteType deleteType) throws AtlanException
      Deletes any asset.
      guid - unique ID of the asset to delete
      deleteType - whether to soft-delete (archive) or hard-delete (purge) the asset
      the results of the deletion
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • delete

      public AssetDeletionResponse delete(List<String> guids, AtlanDeleteType deleteType) throws AtlanException
      Deletes any assets.
      guids - unique IDs of the assets to delete
      deleteType - whether to soft-delete (archive) or hard-delete (purge) the assets
      the results of the deletion
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • delete

      public AssetDeletionResponse delete(List<String> guids, AtlanDeleteType deleteType, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Deletes any assets.
      guids - unique IDs of the assets to delete
      deleteType - whether to soft-delete (archive) or hard-delete (purge) the assets
      options - to override default client settings
      the results of the deletion
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
      InvalidRequestException - if you attempt to archive a category, as categories can only be purged
    • restore

      public AssetMutationResponse restore(Asset value) throws AtlanException
      Restores any asset from a soft-deleted (archived) to an active state.
      value - asset to restore
      the results of the restoration (the restored asset will be in the list of updated assets)
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • restore

      public AssetMutationResponse restore(Asset value, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Restores any asset from a soft-deleted (archived) to an active state.
      value - asset to restore
      options - to override default client settings
      the results of the restoration (the restored asset will be in the list of updated assets)
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • restore

      public AssetMutationResponse restore(List<Asset> values) throws AtlanException
      Restores any assets in the list provided from a soft-deleted (archived) to active state.
      values - assets to restore
      the results of the restoration (any restored assets will be in the list of updated assets)
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • restore

      public AssetMutationResponse restore(List<Asset> values, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Restores any assets in the list provided from a soft-deleted (archived) to active state.
      values - assets to restore
      options - to override default client settings
      the results of the restoration (any restored assets will be in the list of updated assets)
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • get

      public AssetResponse get(String guid, boolean ignoreRelationships, boolean minExtInfo) throws AtlanException
      Retrieves any asset by its GUID.
      guid - unique ID (GUID) of the asset to retrieve
      ignoreRelationships - whether to exclude the asset's relationships (true) or include them (false) in the response
      minExtInfo - TBC
      the requested asset and its details, if it exists
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • get

      public AssetResponse get(String guid, boolean ignoreRelationships, boolean minExtInfo, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Retrieves any asset by its GUID.
      guid - unique ID (GUID) of the asset to retrieve
      ignoreRelationships - whether to exclude the asset's relationships (true) or include them (false) in the response
      minExtInfo - TBC
      options - to override default client settings
      the requested asset and its details, if it exists
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • updateCustomMetadataAttributes

      public void updateCustomMetadataAttributes(String guid, String cmName, CustomMetadataAttributes values) throws AtlanException
      Updates only the provided custom metadata attributes on the asset. This will leave all other custom metadata attributes, even within the same named custom metadata, unchanged.
      guid - unique identifier of the asset for which to update the custom metadata attributes
      cmName - the name of the custom metadata to update
      values - the values of the custom metadata attributes to change
      AtlanException - on any API issue
    • updateCustomMetadataAttributes

      public void updateCustomMetadataAttributes(String guid, String cmName, CustomMetadataAttributes values, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Updates only the provided custom metadata attributes on the asset. This will leave all other custom metadata attributes, even within the same named custom metadata, unchanged.
      guid - unique identifier of the asset for which to update the custom metadata attributes
      cmName - the name of the custom metadata to update
      values - the values of the custom metadata attributes to change
      options - to override default client settings
      AtlanException - on any API issue
    • replaceCustomMetadata

      public void replaceCustomMetadata(String guid, String cmName, CustomMetadataAttributes values) throws AtlanException
      Replaces specific custom metadata for the specified asset. This will replace everything within that named custom metadata, but not touch any of the other named custom metadata.
      guid - unique identifier of the asset for which to replace the custom metadata
      cmName - the name of the custom metadata to replace
      values - the values to replace
      AtlanException - on any API issue
    • replaceCustomMetadata

      public void replaceCustomMetadata(String guid, String cmName, CustomMetadataAttributes values, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Replaces specific custom metadata for the specified asset. This will replace everything within that named custom metadata, but not touch any of the other named custom metadata.
      guid - unique identifier of the asset for which to replace the custom metadata
      cmName - the name of the custom metadata to replace
      values - the values to replace
      options - to override the default client settings
      AtlanException - on any API issue
    • removeCustomMetadata

      public void removeCustomMetadata(String guid, String cmName) throws AtlanException
      Removes specific custom metadata from the specified asset.
      guid - unique identifier of the asset from which to remove the custom metadata
      cmName - the name of the custom metadata to remove
      AtlanException - on any API issue
    • removeCustomMetadata

      public void removeCustomMetadata(String guid, String cmName, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Removes specific custom metadata from the specified asset.
      guid - unique identifier of the asset from which to remove the custom metadata
      cmName - the name of the custom metadata to remove
      options - to override the default client settings
      AtlanException - on any API issue
    • get

      public AssetResponse get(String typeName, String qualifiedName, boolean ignoreRelationships, boolean minExtInfo) throws AtlanException
      Retrieves any asset by its qualifiedName.
      typeName - type of asset to be retrieved
      qualifiedName - qualifiedName of the asset to be retrieved
      ignoreRelationships - whether to include relationships (false) or exclude them (true)
      minExtInfo - whether to minimize extra info (true) or not (false)
      the requested asset
      AtlanException - on any API issue, or if the asset cannot be found
    • get

      public AssetResponse get(String typeName, String qualifiedName, boolean ignoreRelationships, boolean minExtInfo, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Retrieves any asset by its qualifiedName.
      typeName - type of asset to be retrieved
      qualifiedName - qualifiedName of the asset to be updated
      ignoreRelationships - whether to include relationships (false) or exclude them (true)
      minExtInfo - whether to minimize extra info (true) or not (false)
      options - to override the default client settings
      the requested asset
      AtlanException - on any API issue, or if the asset cannot be found
    • updateAttributes

      public AssetMutationResponse updateAttributes(String typeName, String qualifiedName, Asset value) throws AtlanException
      Updates any simple attributes provided. Note that this only supports adding or updating the values of these attributes — it is not possible to REMOVE (null) attributes through this endpoint.
      typeName - type of asset to be updated
      qualifiedName - qualifiedName of the asset to be updated
      value - the asset containing only the attributes to be updated
      the set of changed entities
      AtlanException - on any API issue
    • updateAttributes

      public AssetMutationResponse updateAttributes(String typeName, String qualifiedName, Asset value, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Updates any simple attributes provided. Note that this only supports adding or updating the values of these attributes — it is not possible to REMOVE (null) attributes through this endpoint.
      typeName - type of asset to be updated
      qualifiedName - qualifiedName of the asset to be updated
      value - the asset containing only the attributes to be updated
      options - to override the default client settings
      the set of changed entities
      AtlanException - on any API issue
    • removeAtlanTag

      public void removeAtlanTag(String typeName, String qualifiedName, String atlanTagName, boolean idempotent) throws AtlanException
      Removes a single Atlan tag from the provided asset. Note: if the provided Atlan tag does not exist on the asset, an InvalidRequestException will be thrown with error code ATLAS-400-00-06D, unless idempotent is set to true.
      typeName - type of asset from which to remove the Atlan tag
      qualifiedName - of the asset from which to remove the Atlan tag
      atlanTagName - human-readable name of the Atlan tag to remove from the asset
      idempotent - whether to throw an error if the Atlan tag does not exist on the asset (false) or behave the same as if the Atlan tag was removed even though it did not exist on the asset (true)
      AtlanException - on any API issue, or if the Atlan tag does not exist on the asset
    • removeAtlanTag

      public void removeAtlanTag(String typeName, String qualifiedName, String atlanTagName, boolean idempotent, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Removes a single Atlan tag from the provided asset. Note: if the provided Atlan tag does not exist on the asset, an InvalidRequestException will be thrown with error code ATLAS-400-00-06D, unless idempotent is set to true.
      typeName - type of asset from which to remove the Atlan tag
      qualifiedName - of the asset from which to remove the Atlan tag
      atlanTagName - human-readable name of the Atlan tag to remove from the asset
      idempotent - whether to throw an error if the Atlan tag does not exist on the asset (false) or behave the same as if the Atlan tag was removed even though it did not exist on the asset (true)
      options - to override the default client settings
      AtlanException - on any API issue, or if the Atlan tag does not exist on the asset
    • search

      public IndexSearchResponse search(IndexSearchRequest request) throws AtlanException
      Run the requested search.
      request - detailing the search query, parameters, and so on to run
      the results of the search
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • search

      public IndexSearchResponse search(IndexSearchRequest request, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Run the requested search.
      request - detailing the search query, parameters, and so on to run
      options - to override default client settings
      the results of the search
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • lineage

      public LineageListResponse lineage(LineageListRequest request) throws AtlanException
      Retrieve lineage using the higher-performance "list" API.
      request - detailing the lineage to retrieve
      the results of the lineage
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems
    • lineage

      public LineageListResponse lineage(LineageListRequest request, RequestOptions options) throws AtlanException
      Retrieve lineage using the higher-performance "list" API.
      request - detailing the lineage to retrieve
      options - to override default client settings
      the results of the lineage
      AtlanException - on any API interaction problems