Package com.atlan.cache
package com.atlan.cache
Lazily-loaded caches for objects that change infrequently but often need to be translated.
ClassDescriptionBase class for reusable components that are common to all caches, where a cache is populated entry-by-entry.AbstractMassCache<T extends AtlanObject>Base class for reusable components that are common to all caches, where a cache is populated en-masse through batch refreshing.AbstractMassTrackingCache<T extends AtlanObject>Base class for reusable components that are common to all caches, where a cache is populated en-masse through batch refreshing and furthermore where any cache misses are also tracked (to avoid attempting to refresh the cache unnecessarily).AbstractOffHeapCache<K,
V> Generic class through which to cache any key-value pairs efficiently, off-heap, to avoid risking extreme memory usage.Lazily-loaded cache for translating between Atlan-internal ID strings and human-readable names for Atlan tags.Lazily-loaded cache for translating between a connection's simplified name its details.Unique identity for a connection, in the form: {{type}}/{{name}} For example: snowflake/developmentLazily-loaded cache for translating between Atlan-internal ID strings and human-readable names for custom metadata (including attributes).Lazily-loaded cache for accessing details of an enumeration.Lazily-loaded cache for translating Atlan-internal groups into their various IDs.Unique name of an object in Atlan in a fully constructable way, without relying on any specifics of an Atlan tenant.Generic class through which to cache any assets efficiently, off-heap, to avoid risking extreme memory usage.Generic class through which to cache any batch failures efficiently, off-heap, to avoid risking extreme memory usage.Lazily-loaded cache for Java reflection-based operations across the Atlan data model.Lazily-loaded cache for translating Atlan-internal roles into their various IDs.Lazily-loaded cache for translating between source-synced tags and the qualifiedName of such tags.Unique identity for a source tag, in the form: {{connectorType}}/{{connectorName}}@@DB/SCHEMA/TAG_NAME For example: snowflake/development@@DB/SCHEMA/TAG_NAMELazily-loaded cache for translating Atlan-internal users into their various IDs.