Interface IMongoDBCollection

All Known Implementing Classes:
CosmosMongoDBCollection, MongoDBCollection

@Generated("com.atlan.generators.ModelGeneratorV2") public interface IMongoDBCollection
Instance of a MongoDB collection in Atlan.
  • Field Details


      static final String TYPE_NAME
      See Also:

      Average size of an object in the collection.

      Seconds after which documents in a time series collection or clustered collection expire.

      static final BooleanField MONGO_DB_COLLECTION_IS_CAPPED
      Whether the collection is capped (true) or not (false).

      static final NumericField MONGO_DB_COLLECTION_MAX_SIZE
      Maximum size allowed in a capped collection.

      Maximum number of documents allowed in a capped collection.

      static final NumericField MONGO_DB_COLLECTION_NUM_INDEXES
      Number of indexes on the collection.

      static final NumericField MONGO_DB_COLLECTION_NUM_ORPHAN_DOCS
      Number of orphaned documents in the collection.

      Definition of the schema applicable for the collection.

      static final KeywordTextField MONGO_DB_COLLECTION_SUBTYPE
      Subtype of a MongoDB collection, for example: Capped, Time Series, etc.

      static final TextField MONGO_DB_COLLECTION_TIME_FIELD
      Name of the field containing the date in each time series document.

      static final KeywordField MONGO_DB_COLLECTION_TIME_GRANULARITY
      Closest match to the time span between consecutive incoming measurements.

      static final NumericField MONGO_DB_COLLECTION_TOTAL_INDEX_SIZE
      Total size of all indexes.

      static final RelationField MONGO_DB_DATABASE
      Database in which the collection exists.
  • Method Details

    • getAdminGroups

      SortedSet<String> getAdminGroups()
      List of groups who administer this asset. (This is only used for certain asset types.)
    • getAdminRoles

      SortedSet<String> getAdminRoles()
      List of roles who administer this asset. (This is only used for Connection assets.)
    • getAdminUsers

      SortedSet<String> getAdminUsers()
      List of users who administer this asset. (This is only used for certain asset types.)
    • getAlias

      String getAlias()
      Alias for this table.
    • getAnnouncementMessage

      String getAnnouncementMessage()
      Detailed message to include in the announcement on this asset.
    • getAnnouncementTitle

      String getAnnouncementTitle()
      Brief title for the announcement on this asset. Required when announcementType is specified.
    • getAnnouncementType

      AtlanAnnouncementType getAnnouncementType()
      Type of announcement on this asset.
    • getAnnouncementUpdatedAt

      Long getAnnouncementUpdatedAt()
      Time (epoch) at which the announcement was last updated, in milliseconds.
    • getAnnouncementUpdatedBy

      String getAnnouncementUpdatedBy()
      Name of the user who last updated the announcement.
    • getAnomaloChecks

      SortedSet<IAnomaloCheck> getAnomaloChecks()
      Checks that run on this asset.
    • getApplication

      IApplication getApplication()
      Application asset containing this Asset.
    • getApplicationField

      IApplicationField getApplicationField()
      ApplicationField asset containing this Asset.
    • getApplicationFieldQualifiedName

      String getApplicationFieldQualifiedName()
      Qualified name of the ApplicationField that contains this asset.
    • getApplicationQualifiedName

      String getApplicationQualifiedName()
      Qualified name of the Application that contains this asset.
    • getAssetAnomaloAppliedCheckTypes

      SortedSet<String> getAssetAnomaloAppliedCheckTypes()
      All associated Anomalo check types.
    • getAssetAnomaloCheckCount

      Long getAssetAnomaloCheckCount()
      Total number of checks present in Anomalo for this asset.
    • getAssetAnomaloCheckStatuses

      String getAssetAnomaloCheckStatuses()
      Stringified JSON object containing status of all Anomalo checks associated to this asset.
    • getAssetAnomaloDQStatus

      String getAssetAnomaloDQStatus()
      Status of data quality from Anomalo.
    • getAssetAnomaloFailedCheckCount

      Long getAssetAnomaloFailedCheckCount()
      Total number of checks failed in Anomalo for this asset.
    • getAssetAnomaloFailedCheckTypes

      SortedSet<String> getAssetAnomaloFailedCheckTypes()
      All associated Anomalo failed check types.
    • getAssetAnomaloLastCheckRunAt

      Long getAssetAnomaloLastCheckRunAt()
      Time (epoch) at which the last check was run via Anomalo.
    • getAssetAnomaloSourceUrl

      String getAssetAnomaloSourceUrl()
      URL of the source in Anomalo.
    • getAssetCoverImage

      String getAssetCoverImage()
    • getAssetDbtAccountName

      String getAssetDbtAccountName()
      Name of the account in which this asset exists in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtAlias

      String getAssetDbtAlias()
      Alias of this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtEnvironmentDbtVersion

      String getAssetDbtEnvironmentDbtVersion()
      Version of the environment in which this asset is materialized in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtEnvironmentName

      String getAssetDbtEnvironmentName()
      Name of the environment in which this asset is materialized in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRun

      Long getAssetDbtJobLastRun()
      Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt last ran, in milliseconds.
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunArtifactS3Path

      String getAssetDbtJobLastRunArtifactS3Path()
      Path in S3 to the artifacts saved from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunArtifactsSaved

      Boolean getAssetDbtJobLastRunArtifactsSaved()
      Whether artifacts were saved from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false).
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunCreatedAt

      Long getAssetDbtJobLastRunCreatedAt()
      Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was last created, in milliseconds.
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunDequedAt

      Long getAssetDbtJobLastRunDequedAt()
      Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was dequeued, in milliseconds.
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunExecutedByThreadId

      String getAssetDbtJobLastRunExecutedByThreadId()
      Thread ID of the user who executed the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunGitBranch

      String getAssetDbtJobLastRunGitBranch()
      Branch in git from which the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt ran.
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunGitSha

      String getAssetDbtJobLastRunGitSha()
      SHA hash in git for the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunHasDocsGenerated

      Boolean getAssetDbtJobLastRunHasDocsGenerated()
      Whether docs were generated from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false).
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunHasSourcesGenerated

      Boolean getAssetDbtJobLastRunHasSourcesGenerated()
      Whether sources were generated from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false).
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunNotificationsSent

      Boolean getAssetDbtJobLastRunNotificationsSent()
      Whether notifications were sent from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false).
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunOwnerThreadId

      String getAssetDbtJobLastRunOwnerThreadId()
      Thread ID of the owner of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunQueuedDuration

      String getAssetDbtJobLastRunQueuedDuration()
      Total duration the job that materialized this asset in dbt spent being queued.
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunQueuedDurationHumanized

      String getAssetDbtJobLastRunQueuedDurationHumanized()
      Human-readable total duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt spend being queued.
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunRunDuration

      String getAssetDbtJobLastRunRunDuration()
      Run duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunRunDurationHumanized

      String getAssetDbtJobLastRunRunDurationHumanized()
      Human-readable run duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunStartedAt

      Long getAssetDbtJobLastRunStartedAt()
      Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was started running, in milliseconds.
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunStatusMessage

      String getAssetDbtJobLastRunStatusMessage()
      Status message of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunTotalDuration

      String getAssetDbtJobLastRunTotalDuration()
      Total duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunTotalDurationHumanized

      String getAssetDbtJobLastRunTotalDurationHumanized()
      Human-readable total duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunUpdatedAt

      Long getAssetDbtJobLastRunUpdatedAt()
      Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was last updated, in milliseconds.
    • getAssetDbtJobLastRunUrl

      String getAssetDbtJobLastRunUrl()
      URL of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtJobName

      String getAssetDbtJobName()
      Name of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtJobNextRun

      Long getAssetDbtJobNextRun()
      Time (epoch) when the next run of the job that materializes this asset in dbt is scheduled.
    • getAssetDbtJobNextRunHumanized

      String getAssetDbtJobNextRunHumanized()
      Human-readable time when the next run of the job that materializes this asset in dbt is scheduled.
    • getAssetDbtJobSchedule

      String getAssetDbtJobSchedule()
      Schedule of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtJobScheduleCronHumanized

      String getAssetDbtJobScheduleCronHumanized()
      Human-readable cron schedule of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtJobStatus

      String getAssetDbtJobStatus()
      Status of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtMeta

      String getAssetDbtMeta()
      Metadata for this asset in dbt, specifically everything under the 'meta' key in the dbt object.
    • getAssetDbtPackageName

      String getAssetDbtPackageName()
      Name of the package in which this asset exists in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtProjectName

      String getAssetDbtProjectName()
      Name of the project in which this asset exists in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtSemanticLayerProxyUrl

      String getAssetDbtSemanticLayerProxyUrl()
      URL of the semantic layer proxy for this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtSourceFreshnessCriteria

      String getAssetDbtSourceFreshnessCriteria()
      Freshness criteria for the source of this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtTags

      SortedSet<String> getAssetDbtTags()
      List of tags attached to this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtTestStatus

      String getAssetDbtTestStatus()
      All associated dbt test statuses.
    • getAssetDbtUniqueId

      String getAssetDbtUniqueId()
      Unique identifier of this asset in dbt.
    • getAssetDbtWorkflowLastUpdated

      String getAssetDbtWorkflowLastUpdated()
      Name of the DBT workflow in Atlan that last updated the asset.
    • getAssetIcon

      AtlanIcon getAssetIcon()
      Name of the icon to use for this asset. (Only applies to glossaries, currently.)
    • getAssetMcAlertQualifiedNames

      SortedSet<String> getAssetMcAlertQualifiedNames()
      List of unique Monte Carlo alert names attached to this asset.
    • getAssetMcIncidentNames

      SortedSet<String> getAssetMcIncidentNames()
      List of Monte Carlo incident names attached to this asset.
    • getAssetMcIncidentPriorities

      SortedSet<String> getAssetMcIncidentPriorities()
      List of Monte Carlo incident priorities associated with this asset.
    • getAssetMcIncidentQualifiedNames

      SortedSet<String> getAssetMcIncidentQualifiedNames()
      List of unique Monte Carlo incident names attached to this asset.
    • getAssetMcIncidentSeverities

      SortedSet<String> getAssetMcIncidentSeverities()
      List of Monte Carlo incident severities associated with this asset.
    • getAssetMcIncidentStates

      SortedSet<String> getAssetMcIncidentStates()
      List of Monte Carlo incident states associated with this asset.
    • getAssetMcIncidentSubTypes

      SortedSet<String> getAssetMcIncidentSubTypes()
      List of Monte Carlo incident sub-types associated with this asset.
    • getAssetMcIncidentTypes

      SortedSet<String> getAssetMcIncidentTypes()
      List of Monte Carlo incident types associated with this asset.
    • getAssetMcIsMonitored

      Boolean getAssetMcIsMonitored()
      Tracks whether this asset is monitored by MC or not
    • getAssetMcLastSyncRunAt

      Long getAssetMcLastSyncRunAt()
      Time (epoch) at which this asset was last synced from Monte Carlo.
    • getAssetMcMonitorNames

      SortedSet<String> getAssetMcMonitorNames()
      List of Monte Carlo monitor names attached to this asset.
    • getAssetMcMonitorQualifiedNames

      SortedSet<String> getAssetMcMonitorQualifiedNames()
      List of unique Monte Carlo monitor names attached to this asset.
    • getAssetMcMonitorScheduleTypes

      SortedSet<String> getAssetMcMonitorScheduleTypes()
      Schedules of all associated Monte Carlo monitors.
    • getAssetMcMonitorStatuses

      SortedSet<String> getAssetMcMonitorStatuses()
      Statuses of all associated Monte Carlo monitors.
    • getAssetMcMonitorTypes

      SortedSet<String> getAssetMcMonitorTypes()
      Types of all associated Monte Carlo monitors.
    • getAssetPoliciesCount

      Long getAssetPoliciesCount()
      Count of policies inside the asset
    • getAssetPolicyGUIDs

      SortedSet<String> getAssetPolicyGUIDs()
      Array of policy ids governing this asset
    • getAssetRedirectGUIDs

      SortedSet<String> getAssetRedirectGUIDs()
      Array of asset ids that equivalent to this asset.
    • getAssetSodaCheckCount

      Long getAssetSodaCheckCount()
      Number of checks done via Soda.
    • getAssetSodaCheckStatuses

      String getAssetSodaCheckStatuses()
      All associated Soda check statuses.
    • getAssetSodaDQStatus

      String getAssetSodaDQStatus()
      Status of data quality from Soda.
    • getAssetSodaLastScanAt

      Long getAssetSodaLastScanAt()
    • getAssetSodaLastSyncRunAt

      Long getAssetSodaLastSyncRunAt()
    • getAssetSodaSourceURL

      String getAssetSodaSourceURL()
    • getAssetTags

      SortedSet<String> getAssetTags()
      List of tags attached to this asset.
    • getAssetThemeHex

      String getAssetThemeHex()
      Color (in hexadecimal RGB) to use to represent this asset.
    • getAssignedTerms

      SortedSet<IGlossaryTerm> getAssignedTerms()
      Glossary terms that are linked to this asset.
    • getCalculationViewName

      String getCalculationViewName()
      Simple name of the calculation view in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a calculation view.
    • getCalculationViewQualifiedName

      String getCalculationViewQualifiedName()
      Unique name of the calculation view in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a calculation view.
    • getCertificateStatus

      CertificateStatus getCertificateStatus()
      Status of this asset's certification.
    • getCertificateStatusMessage

      String getCertificateStatusMessage()
      Human-readable descriptive message used to provide further detail to certificateStatus.
    • getCertificateUpdatedAt

      Long getCertificateUpdatedAt()
      Time (epoch) at which the certification was last updated, in milliseconds.
    • getCertificateUpdatedBy

      String getCertificateUpdatedBy()
      Name of the user who last updated the certification of this asset.
    • getColumnCount

      Long getColumnCount()
      Number of columns in this table.
    • getColumns

      SortedSet<IColumn> getColumns()
      Columns that exist within this table.
    • getConnectionName

      String getConnectionName()
      Simple name of the connection through which this asset is accessible.
    • getConnectionQualifiedName

      String getConnectionQualifiedName()
      Unique name of the connection through which this asset is accessible.
    • getConnectorType

      AtlanConnectorType getConnectorType()
      Type of the connector through which this asset is accessible.
    • getDataContractLatest

      IDataContract getDataContractLatest()
      Latest version of the data contract (in any status) for this asset.
    • getDataContractLatestCertified

      IDataContract getDataContractLatestCertified()
      Latest certified version of the data contract for this asset.
    • getDatabaseName

      String getDatabaseName()
      Simple name of the database in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a database.
    • getDatabaseQualifiedName

      String getDatabaseQualifiedName()
      Unique name of the database in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a database.
    • getDbtModels

      SortedSet<IDbtModel> getDbtModels()
    • getDbtQualifiedName

      String getDbtQualifiedName()
      Unique name of this asset in dbt.
    • getDbtSources

      SortedSet<IDbtSource> getDbtSources()
    • getDbtTests

      SortedSet<IDbtTest> getDbtTests()
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Description of this asset, for example as crawled from a source. Fallback for display purposes, if userDescription is empty.
    • getDimensions

      SortedSet<ITable> getDimensions()
    • getDisplayName

      String getDisplayName()
      Human-readable name of this asset used for display purposes (in user interface).
    • getDomainGUIDs

      SortedSet<String> getDomainGUIDs()
      Array of domain guids linked to this asset
    • getExternalLocation

      String getExternalLocation()
      External location of this table, for example: an S3 object location.
    • getExternalLocationFormat

      String getExternalLocationFormat()
      Format of the external location of this table, for example: JSON, CSV, PARQUET, etc.
    • getExternalLocationRegion

      String getExternalLocationRegion()
      Region of the external location of this table, for example: S3 region.
    • getFacts

      SortedSet<ITable> getFacts()
    • getFiles

      SortedSet<IFile> getFiles()
    • getHasContract

      Boolean getHasContract()
      Whether this asset has contract (true) or not (false).
    • getHasLineage

      Boolean getHasLineage()
      Whether this asset has lineage (true) or not (false).
    • getIcebergCatalogName

      String getIcebergCatalogName()
      iceberg table catalog name (can be any user defined name)
    • getIcebergCatalogSource

      String getIcebergCatalogSource()
      iceberg table catalog type (glue, polaris, snowflake)
    • getIcebergCatalogTableName

      String getIcebergCatalogTableName()
      catalog table name (actual table name on the catalog side).
    • getIcebergCatalogTableNamespace

      String getIcebergCatalogTableNamespace()
      catalog table namespace (actual database name on the catalog side).
    • getIcebergTableBaseLocation

      String getIcebergTableBaseLocation()
      iceberg table base location inside the external volume.
    • getIcebergTableType

      String getIcebergTableType()
      iceberg table type (managed vs unmanaged)
    • getInputPortDataProducts

      SortedSet<IDataProduct> getInputPortDataProducts()
      Data products for which this asset is an input port.
    • getInputToAirflowTasks

      SortedSet<IAirflowTask> getInputToAirflowTasks()
      Tasks to which this asset provides input.
    • getInputToProcesses

      SortedSet<ILineageProcess> getInputToProcesses()
      Processes to which this asset provides input.
    • getInputToSparkJobs

      SortedSet<ISparkJob> getInputToSparkJobs()
    • getIsAIGenerated

      Boolean getIsAIGenerated()
    • getIsDiscoverable

      Boolean getIsDiscoverable()
      Whether this asset is discoverable through the UI (true) or not (false).
    • getIsEditable

      Boolean getIsEditable()
      Whether this asset can be edited in the UI (true) or not (false).
    • getIsPartial

      Boolean getIsPartial()
    • getIsPartitioned

      Boolean getIsPartitioned()
      Whether this table is partitioned (true) or not (false).
    • getIsProfiled

      Boolean getIsProfiled()
      Whether this asset has been profiled (true) or not (false).
    • getIsQueryPreview

      Boolean getIsQueryPreview()
      Whether preview queries are allowed for this table (true) or not (false).
    • getIsSharded

      Boolean getIsSharded()
      Whether this table is a sharded table (true) or not (false).
    • getIsTemporary

      Boolean getIsTemporary()
      Whether this table is temporary (true) or not (false).
    • getLastProfiledAt

      Long getLastProfiledAt()
      Time (epoch) at which this asset was last profiled, in milliseconds.
    • getLastRowChangedAt

      Long getLastRowChangedAt()
      Time (epoch) of the last operation that inserted, updated, or deleted rows, in milliseconds.
    • getLastSyncRun

      String getLastSyncRun()
      Name of the last run of the crawler that last synchronized this asset.
    • getLastSyncRunAt

      Long getLastSyncRunAt()
      Time (epoch) at which this asset was last crawled, in milliseconds.
    • getLastSyncWorkflowName

      String getLastSyncWorkflowName()
      Name of the crawler that last synchronized this asset.
    • getLexicographicalSortOrder

      String getLexicographicalSortOrder()
      Custom order for sorting purpose, managed by client
    • getLinks

      SortedSet<ILink> getLinks()
      Links that are attached to this asset.
    • getMcIncidents

      SortedSet<IMCIncident> getMcIncidents()
    • getMcMonitors

      SortedSet<IMCMonitor> getMcMonitors()
      Monitors that observe this asset.
    • getMetrics

      SortedSet<IMetric> getMetrics()
    • getModelImplementedAttributes

      SortedSet<IModelAttribute> getModelImplementedAttributes()
      Attributes implemented by this asset.
    • getModelImplementedEntities

      SortedSet<IModelEntity> getModelImplementedEntities()
      Entities implemented by this asset.
    • getMongoDBCollectionAverageObjectSize

      Long getMongoDBCollectionAverageObjectSize()
      Average size of an object in the collection.
    • getMongoDBCollectionExpireAfterSeconds

      Long getMongoDBCollectionExpireAfterSeconds()
      Seconds after which documents in a time series collection or clustered collection expire.
    • getMongoDBCollectionIsCapped

      Boolean getMongoDBCollectionIsCapped()
      Whether the collection is capped (true) or not (false).
    • getMongoDBCollectionMaxSize

      Long getMongoDBCollectionMaxSize()
      Maximum size allowed in a capped collection.
    • getMongoDBCollectionMaximumDocumentCount

      Long getMongoDBCollectionMaximumDocumentCount()
      Maximum number of documents allowed in a capped collection.
    • getMongoDBCollectionNumIndexes

      Long getMongoDBCollectionNumIndexes()
      Number of indexes on the collection.
    • getMongoDBCollectionNumOrphanDocs

      Long getMongoDBCollectionNumOrphanDocs()
      Number of orphaned documents in the collection.
    • getMongoDBCollectionSchemaDefinition

      String getMongoDBCollectionSchemaDefinition()
      Definition of the schema applicable for the collection.
    • getMongoDBCollectionSubtype

      String getMongoDBCollectionSubtype()
      Subtype of a MongoDB collection, for example: Capped, Time Series, etc.
    • getMongoDBCollectionTimeField

      String getMongoDBCollectionTimeField()
      Name of the field containing the date in each time series document.
    • getMongoDBCollectionTimeGranularity

      String getMongoDBCollectionTimeGranularity()
      Closest match to the time span between consecutive incoming measurements.
    • getMongoDBCollectionTotalIndexSize

      Long getMongoDBCollectionTotalIndexSize()
      Total size of all indexes.
    • getMongoDBDatabase

      IMongoDBDatabase getMongoDBDatabase()
      Database in which the collection exists.
    • getName

      String getName()
      Name of this asset. Fallback for display purposes, if displayName is empty.
    • getNoSQLSchemaDefinition

      String getNoSQLSchemaDefinition()
      Represents attributes for describing the key schema for the table and indexes.
    • getNonCompliantAssetPolicyGUIDs

      SortedSet<String> getNonCompliantAssetPolicyGUIDs()
      Array of policy ids non-compliant to this asset
    • getOutputFromAirflowTasks

      SortedSet<IAirflowTask> getOutputFromAirflowTasks()
      Tasks from which this asset is output.
    • getOutputFromProcesses

      SortedSet<ILineageProcess> getOutputFromProcesses()
      Processes from which this asset is produced as output.
    • getOutputFromSparkJobs

      SortedSet<ISparkJob> getOutputFromSparkJobs()
    • getOutputPortDataProducts

      SortedSet<IDataProduct> getOutputPortDataProducts()
      Data products for which this asset is an output port.
    • getOwnerGroups

      SortedSet<String> getOwnerGroups()
      List of groups who own this asset.
    • getOwnerUsers

      SortedSet<String> getOwnerUsers()
      List of users who own this asset.
    • getPartitionCount

      Long getPartitionCount()
      Number of partitions in this table.
    • getPartitionList

      String getPartitionList()
      List of partitions in this table.
    • getPartitionStrategy

      String getPartitionStrategy()
      Partition strategy for this table.
    • getPartitions

      SortedSet<ITablePartition> getPartitions()
      Partitions that exist within this table.
    • getPopularityScore

      Double getPopularityScore()
      Popularity score for this asset.
    • getQualifiedName

      String getQualifiedName()
      Unique name for this asset. This is typically a concatenation of the asset's name onto its parent's qualifiedName. This must be unique across all assets of the same type.
    • getQueries

      SortedSet<IAtlanQuery> getQueries()
      Queries that access this table.
    • getQueryCount

      Long getQueryCount()
      Number of times this asset has been queried.
    • getQueryCountUpdatedAt

      Long getQueryCountUpdatedAt()
      Time (epoch) at which the query count was last updated, in milliseconds.
    • getQueryPreviewConfig

      Map<String,String> getQueryPreviewConfig()
      Configuration for preview queries.
    • getQueryUserCount

      Long getQueryUserCount()
      Number of unique users who have queried this asset.
    • getQueryUserMap

      Map<String,Long> getQueryUserMap()
      Map of unique users who have queried this asset to the number of times they have queried it.
    • getReadme

      IReadme getReadme()
      README that is linked to this asset.
    • getRowCount

      Long getRowCount()
      Number of rows in this table.
    • getSampleDataUrl

      String getSampleDataUrl()
      URL for sample data for this asset.
    • getSchema

      ISchema getSchema()
      Schema in which this table exists.
    • getSchemaName

      String getSchemaName()
      Simple name of the schema in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a schema.
    • getSchemaQualifiedName

      String getSchemaQualifiedName()
      Unique name of the schema in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a schema.
    • getSchemaRegistrySubjects

      SortedSet<ISchemaRegistrySubject> getSchemaRegistrySubjects()
    • getSizeBytes

      Long getSizeBytes()
      Size of this table, in bytes.
    • getSodaChecks

      SortedSet<ISodaCheck> getSodaChecks()
    • getSourceCostUnit

      SourceCostUnitType getSourceCostUnit()
      The unit of measure for sourceTotalCost.
    • getSourceCreatedAt

      Long getSourceCreatedAt()
      Time (epoch) at which this asset was created in the source system, in milliseconds.
    • getSourceCreatedBy

      String getSourceCreatedBy()
      Name of the user who created this asset, in the source system.
    • getSourceEmbedURL

      String getSourceEmbedURL()
      URL to create an embed for a resource (for example, an image of a dashboard) within Atlan.
    • getSourceLastReadAt

      Long getSourceLastReadAt()
      Timestamp of most recent read operation.
    • getSourceOwners

      String getSourceOwners()
      List of owners of this asset, in the source system.
    • getSourceQueryComputeCostRecords

      List<PopularityInsights> getSourceQueryComputeCostRecords()
      List of most expensive warehouses with extra insights.
    • getSourceQueryComputeCosts

      SortedSet<String> getSourceQueryComputeCosts()
      List of most expensive warehouse names.
    • getSourceReadCount

      Long getSourceReadCount()
      Total count of all read operations at source.
    • getSourceReadExpensiveQueryRecords

      List<PopularityInsights> getSourceReadExpensiveQueryRecords()
      List of the most expensive queries that accessed this asset.
    • getSourceReadPopularQueryRecords

      List<PopularityInsights> getSourceReadPopularQueryRecords()
      List of the most popular queries that accessed this asset.
    • getSourceReadQueryCost

      Double getSourceReadQueryCost()
      Total cost of read queries at source.
    • getSourceReadRecentUserRecords

      List<PopularityInsights> getSourceReadRecentUserRecords()
      List of usernames with extra insights for the most recent users who read this asset.
    • getSourceReadRecentUsers

      SortedSet<String> getSourceReadRecentUsers()
      List of usernames of the most recent users who read this asset.
    • getSourceReadSlowQueryRecords

      List<PopularityInsights> getSourceReadSlowQueryRecords()
      List of the slowest queries that accessed this asset.
    • getSourceReadTopUserRecords

      List<PopularityInsights> getSourceReadTopUserRecords()
      List of usernames with extra insights for the users who read this asset the most.
    • getSourceReadTopUsers

      SortedSet<String> getSourceReadTopUsers()
      List of usernames of the users who read this asset the most.
    • getSourceReadUserCount

      Long getSourceReadUserCount()
      Total number of unique users that read data from asset.
    • getSourceTotalCost

      Double getSourceTotalCost()
      Total cost of all operations at source.
    • getSourceURL

      String getSourceURL()
      URL to the resource within the source application, used to create a button to view this asset in the source application.
    • getSourceUpdatedAt

      Long getSourceUpdatedAt()
      Time (epoch) at which this asset was last updated in the source system, in milliseconds.
    • getSourceUpdatedBy

      String getSourceUpdatedBy()
      Name of the user who last updated this asset, in the source system.
    • getSqlDBTSources

      SortedSet<IDbtSource> getSqlDBTSources()
    • getSqlDbtModels

      SortedSet<IDbtModel> getSqlDbtModels()
    • getStarredBy

      SortedSet<String> getStarredBy()
      Users who have starred this asset.
    • getStarredCount

      Integer getStarredCount()
      Number of users who have starred this asset.
    • getStarredDetails

      List<StarredDetails> getStarredDetails()
      List of usernames with extra information of the users who have starred an asset.
    • getSubType

      String getSubType()
      Subtype of this asset.
    • getTableExternalVolumeName

      String getTableExternalVolumeName()
      external volume name for the table.
    • getTableName

      String getTableName()
      Simple name of the table in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a table.
    • getTableQualifiedName

      String getTableQualifiedName()
      Unique name of the table in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a table.
    • getTableRetentionTime

      Long getTableRetentionTime()
      Data retention time in days.
    • getTableType

      TableType getTableType()
      Type of the table.
    • getTenantId

      String getTenantId()
      Name of the Atlan workspace in which this asset exists.
    • getUserDefRelationshipFroms

      SortedSet<IAsset> getUserDefRelationshipFroms()
    • getUserDefRelationshipTos

      SortedSet<IAsset> getUserDefRelationshipTos()
    • getUserDescription

      String getUserDescription()
      Description of this asset, as provided by a user. If present, this will be used for the description in user interface.
    • getViewName

      String getViewName()
      Simple name of the view in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a view.
    • getViewQualifiedName

      String getViewQualifiedName()
      Unique name of the view in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a view.
    • getViewScore

      Double getViewScore()
      View score for this asset.
    • getViewerGroups

      SortedSet<String> getViewerGroups()
      List of groups who can view assets contained in a collection. (This is only used for certain asset types.)
    • getViewerUsers

      SortedSet<String> getViewerUsers()
      List of users who can view assets contained in a collection. (This is only used for certain asset types.)
    • getTypeName

      String getTypeName()
      Name of the type that defines the asset.
    • getGuid

      String getGuid()
      Globally-unique identifier for the asset.
    • getDisplayText

      String getDisplayText()
      Human-readable name of the asset.
    • getEntityStatus

      String getEntityStatus()
      Status of the asset (if this is a related asset).
    • getRelationshipType

      String getRelationshipType()
      Type of the relationship (if this is a related asset).
    • getRelationshipGuid

      String getRelationshipGuid()
      Unique identifier of the relationship (when this is a related asset).
    • getRelationshipStatus

      AtlanStatus getRelationshipStatus()
      Status of the relationship (when this is a related asset).
    • getRelationshipAttributes

      RelationshipAttributes getRelationshipAttributes()
      Attributes specific to the relationship (unused).
    • getUniqueAttributes

      UniqueAttributes getUniqueAttributes()
      Attribute(s) that uniquely identify the asset (when this is a related asset). If the guid is not provided, these must be provided.
    • isComplete

      boolean isComplete()
      When true, indicates that this object represents a complete view of the entity. When false, this object is only a reference or some partial view of the entity.
    • isValidReferenceByGuid

      boolean isValidReferenceByGuid()
      Indicates whether this object can be used as a valid reference by GUID.
      true if it is a valid GUID reference, false otherwise
    • isValidReferenceByQualifiedName

      boolean isValidReferenceByQualifiedName()
      Indicates whether this object can be used as a valid reference by qualifiedName.
      true if it is a valid qualifiedName reference, false otherwise