Package com.atlan.model.assets
Interface IS3Object
- All Known Implementing Classes:
Instance of an S3 object in Atlan.
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final RelationField
S3 bucket in which the object exists.static final KeywordTextField
Simple name of the bucket in which this object exists.static final KeywordField
Unique name of the bucket in which this object exists.static final KeywordField
Information about how this object's content should be presented.static final KeywordField
Type of content in this object, for example: text/plain, application/json, etc.static final KeywordTextField
Unique identity of this object in an S3 bucket.static final NumericField
Time (epoch) at which this object was last updated, in milliseconds, or when it was created if it has never been modified.static final NumericField
Object size in bytes.static final KeywordField
Storage class used for storing this object, for example: standard, intelligent-tiering, glacier, etc.static final KeywordField
Version of this object.static final String
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionList of groups who administer this asset.List of roles who administer this asset.List of users who administer this asset.Detailed message to include in the announcement on this asset.Brief title for the announcement on this asset.Type of announcement on this asset.Time (epoch) at which the announcement was last updated, in milliseconds.Name of the user who last updated the announcement.Checks that run on this asset.Application asset containing this Asset.ApplicationField asset containing this Asset.Qualified name of the ApplicationField that contains this asset.Qualified name of the Application that contains this asset.All associated Anomalo check types.Total number of checks present in Anomalo for this asset.Stringified JSON object containing status of all Anomalo checks associated to this asset.Status of data quality from Anomalo.Total number of checks failed in Anomalo for this asset.All associated Anomalo failed check types.Time (epoch) at which the last check was run via Anomalo.URL of the source in Anomalo.TBCName of the account in which this asset exists in dbt.Alias of this asset in dbt.Version of the environment in which this asset is materialized in dbt.Name of the environment in which this asset is materialized in dbt.Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt last ran, in milliseconds.Path in S3 to the artifacts saved from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.Whether artifacts were saved from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false).Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was last created, in milliseconds.Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was dequeued, in milliseconds.Thread ID of the user who executed the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.Branch in git from which the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt ran.SHA hash in git for the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.Whether docs were generated from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false).Whether sources were generated from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false).Whether notifications were sent from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false).Thread ID of the owner of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.Total duration the job that materialized this asset in dbt spent being queued.Human-readable total duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt spend being queued.Run duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.Human-readable run duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was started running, in milliseconds.Status message of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.Total duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.Human-readable total duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was last updated, in milliseconds.URL of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.Name of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.Time (epoch) when the next run of the job that materializes this asset in dbt is scheduled.Human-readable time when the next run of the job that materializes this asset in dbt is scheduled.Schedule of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.Human-readable cron schedule of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.Status of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.Metadata for this asset in dbt, specifically everything under the 'meta' key in the dbt object.Name of the package in which this asset exists in dbt.Name of the project in which this asset exists in dbt.URL of the semantic layer proxy for this asset in dbt.Freshness criteria for the source of this asset in dbt.List of tags attached to this asset in dbt.All associated dbt test statuses.Unique identifier of this asset in dbt.Name of the DBT workflow in Atlan that last updated the asset.Name of the icon to use for this asset.List of unique Monte Carlo alert names attached to this asset.List of Monte Carlo incident names attached to this asset.List of Monte Carlo incident priorities associated with this asset.List of unique Monte Carlo incident names attached to this asset.List of Monte Carlo incident severities associated with this asset.List of Monte Carlo incident states associated with this asset.List of Monte Carlo incident sub-types associated with this asset.List of Monte Carlo incident types associated with this asset.Tracks whether this asset is monitored by MC or notTime (epoch) at which this asset was last synced from Monte Carlo.List of Monte Carlo monitor names attached to this asset.List of unique Monte Carlo monitor names attached to this asset.Schedules of all associated Monte Carlo monitors.Statuses of all associated Monte Carlo monitors.Types of all associated Monte Carlo monitors.Count of policies inside the assetArray of policy ids governing this assetArray of asset ids that equivalent to this asset.Number of checks done via Soda.All associated Soda check statuses.Status of data quality from Soda.TBCTBCTBCList of tags attached to this asset.Color (in hexadecimal RGB) to use to represent this asset.Glossary terms that are linked to this asset.12-digit number that uniquely identifies an AWS account.Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for this asset.Root user's ID.Root user's name.Group of AWS region and service objects.Physical region where the data center in which the asset exists is clustered.Unique resource ID assigned when a new resource is created.Type of service in which the asset exists.List of tags that have been applied to the asset in AWS.S3 bucket in which the object exists.Status of this asset's certification.Human-readable descriptive message used to provide further detail to certificateStatus.Time (epoch) at which the certification was last updated, in milliseconds.Name of the user who last updated the certification of this asset.Simple name of the connection through which this asset is accessible.Unique name of the connection through which this asset is accessible.Type of the connector through which this asset is accessible.Latest version of the data contract (in any status) for this asset.Latest certified version of the data contract for this asset.Unique name of this asset in dbt.Description of this asset, for example as crawled from a source.Human-readable name of this asset used for display purposes (in user interface).Human-readable name of the asset.Array of domain guids linked to this assetStatus of the asset (if this is a related asset).getFiles()
Globally-unique identifier for the asset.Whether this asset has contract (true) or not (false).Whether this asset has lineage (true) or not (false).Data products for which this asset is an input port.Tasks to which this asset provides input.Processes to which this asset provides input.TBCTBCWhether this asset is discoverable through the UI (true) or not (false).Whether this asset can be edited in the UI (true) or not (false).TBCTime (epoch) of the last operation that inserted, updated, or deleted rows, in milliseconds.Name of the last run of the crawler that last synchronized this asset.Time (epoch) at which this asset was last crawled, in milliseconds.Name of the crawler that last synchronized this asset.Custom order for sorting purpose, managed by clientgetLinks()
Links that are attached to this asset.TBCMonitors that observe this asset.TBCAttributes implemented by this asset.Entities implemented by this asset.getName()
Name of this asset.Array of policy ids non-compliant to this assetTasks from which this asset is output.Processes from which this asset is produced as output.TBCData products for which this asset is an output port.List of groups who own this asset.List of users who own this asset.Popularity score for this asset.Unique name for this asset.README that is linked to this asset.Attributes specific to the relationship (unused).Unique identifier of the relationship (when this is a related asset).Status of the relationship (when this is a related asset).Type of the relationship (if this is a related asset).Simple name of the bucket in which this object exists.Unique name of the bucket in which this object exists.TBCEntity tag for the asset.Information about how this object's content should be presented.Type of content in this object, for example: text/plain, application/json, etc.Unique identity of this object in an S3 bucket.Time (epoch) at which this object was last updated, in milliseconds, or when it was created if it has never been modified.Object size in bytes.Storage class used for storing this object, for example: standard, intelligent-tiering, glacier, etc.Version of this object.URL for sample data for this asset.TBCTBCThe unit of measure for sourceTotalCost.Time (epoch) at which this asset was created in the source system, in milliseconds.Name of the user who created this asset, in the source system.URL to create an embed for a resource (for example, an image of a dashboard) within Atlan.Timestamp of most recent read operation.List of owners of this asset, in the source system.List of most expensive warehouses with extra insights.List of most expensive warehouse names.Total count of all read operations at source.List of the most expensive queries that accessed this asset.List of the most popular queries that accessed this asset.Total cost of read queries at source.List of usernames with extra insights for the most recent users who read this asset.List of usernames of the most recent users who read this asset.List of the slowest queries that accessed this asset.List of usernames with extra insights for the users who read this asset the most.List of usernames of the users who read this asset the most.Total number of unique users that read data from asset.Total cost of all operations at source.Time (epoch) at which this asset was last updated in the source system, in milliseconds.Name of the user who last updated this asset, in the source system.URL to the resource within the source application, used to create a button to view this asset in the source application.Users who have starred this asset.Number of users who have starred this asset.List of usernames with extra information of the users who have starred an asset.Subtype of this asset.Name of the Atlan workspace in which this asset exists.Name of the type that defines the asset.Attribute(s) that uniquely identify the asset (when this is a related asset).TBCTBCDescription of this asset, as provided by a user.List of groups who can view assets contained in a collection.List of users who can view assets contained in a collection.View score for this asset.boolean
When true, indicates that this object represents a complete view of the entity.boolean
Indicates whether this object can be used as a valid reference by GUID.boolean
Indicates whether this object can be used as a valid reference by qualifiedName.
Field Details
- See Also:
S3 bucket in which the object exists. -
Simple name of the bucket in which this object exists. -
Unique name of the bucket in which this object exists. -
Information about how this object's content should be presented. -
Type of content in this object, for example: text/plain, application/json, etc. -
Unique identity of this object in an S3 bucket. This is usually the concatenation of any prefix (folder) in the S3 bucket with the name of the object (file) itself. -
Time (epoch) at which this object was last updated, in milliseconds, or when it was created if it has never been modified. -
Object size in bytes. -
Storage class used for storing this object, for example: standard, intelligent-tiering, glacier, etc. -
Version of this object. This is only applicable when versioning is enabled on the bucket in which this object exists.
Method Details
List of groups who administer this asset. (This is only used for certain asset types.) -
List of roles who administer this asset. (This is only used for Connection assets.) -
List of users who administer this asset. (This is only used for certain asset types.) -
String getAnnouncementMessage()Detailed message to include in the announcement on this asset. -
String getAnnouncementTitle()Brief title for the announcement on this asset. Required when announcementType is specified. -
AtlanAnnouncementType getAnnouncementType()Type of announcement on this asset. -
Long getAnnouncementUpdatedAt()Time (epoch) at which the announcement was last updated, in milliseconds. -
String getAnnouncementUpdatedBy()Name of the user who last updated the announcement. -
SortedSet<IAnomaloCheck> getAnomaloChecks()Checks that run on this asset. -
IApplication getApplication()Application asset containing this Asset. -
IApplicationField getApplicationField()ApplicationField asset containing this Asset. -
String getApplicationFieldQualifiedName()Qualified name of the ApplicationField that contains this asset. -
String getApplicationQualifiedName()Qualified name of the Application that contains this asset. -
All associated Anomalo check types. -
Long getAssetAnomaloCheckCount()Total number of checks present in Anomalo for this asset. -
String getAssetAnomaloCheckStatuses()Stringified JSON object containing status of all Anomalo checks associated to this asset. -
String getAssetAnomaloDQStatus()Status of data quality from Anomalo. -
Long getAssetAnomaloFailedCheckCount()Total number of checks failed in Anomalo for this asset. -
All associated Anomalo failed check types. -
Long getAssetAnomaloLastCheckRunAt()Time (epoch) at which the last check was run via Anomalo. -
String getAssetAnomaloSourceUrl()URL of the source in Anomalo. -
String getAssetCoverImage()TBC -
String getAssetDbtAccountName()Name of the account in which this asset exists in dbt. -
String getAssetDbtAlias()Alias of this asset in dbt. -
String getAssetDbtEnvironmentDbtVersion()Version of the environment in which this asset is materialized in dbt. -
String getAssetDbtEnvironmentName()Name of the environment in which this asset is materialized in dbt. -
Long getAssetDbtJobLastRun()Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt last ran, in milliseconds. -
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunArtifactS3Path()Path in S3 to the artifacts saved from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. -
Boolean getAssetDbtJobLastRunArtifactsSaved()Whether artifacts were saved from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false). -
Long getAssetDbtJobLastRunCreatedAt()Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was last created, in milliseconds. -
Long getAssetDbtJobLastRunDequedAt()Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was dequeued, in milliseconds. -
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunExecutedByThreadId()Thread ID of the user who executed the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. -
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunGitBranch()Branch in git from which the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt ran. -
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunGitSha()SHA hash in git for the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. -
Boolean getAssetDbtJobLastRunHasDocsGenerated()Whether docs were generated from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false). -
Boolean getAssetDbtJobLastRunHasSourcesGenerated()Whether sources were generated from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false). -
Boolean getAssetDbtJobLastRunNotificationsSent()Whether notifications were sent from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false). -
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunOwnerThreadId()Thread ID of the owner of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. -
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunQueuedDuration()Total duration the job that materialized this asset in dbt spent being queued. -
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunQueuedDurationHumanized()Human-readable total duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt spend being queued. -
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunRunDuration()Run duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. -
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunRunDurationHumanized()Human-readable run duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. -
Long getAssetDbtJobLastRunStartedAt()Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was started running, in milliseconds. -
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunStatusMessage()Status message of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. -
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunTotalDuration()Total duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. -
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunTotalDurationHumanized()Human-readable total duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. -
Long getAssetDbtJobLastRunUpdatedAt()Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was last updated, in milliseconds. -
String getAssetDbtJobLastRunUrl()URL of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. -
String getAssetDbtJobName()Name of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. -
Long getAssetDbtJobNextRun()Time (epoch) when the next run of the job that materializes this asset in dbt is scheduled. -
String getAssetDbtJobNextRunHumanized()Human-readable time when the next run of the job that materializes this asset in dbt is scheduled. -
String getAssetDbtJobSchedule()Schedule of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. -
String getAssetDbtJobScheduleCronHumanized()Human-readable cron schedule of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. -
String getAssetDbtJobStatus()Status of the job that materialized this asset in dbt. -
String getAssetDbtMeta()Metadata for this asset in dbt, specifically everything under the 'meta' key in the dbt object. -
String getAssetDbtPackageName()Name of the package in which this asset exists in dbt. -
String getAssetDbtProjectName()Name of the project in which this asset exists in dbt. -
String getAssetDbtSemanticLayerProxyUrl()URL of the semantic layer proxy for this asset in dbt. -
String getAssetDbtSourceFreshnessCriteria()Freshness criteria for the source of this asset in dbt. -
List of tags attached to this asset in dbt. -
String getAssetDbtTestStatus()All associated dbt test statuses. -
String getAssetDbtUniqueId()Unique identifier of this asset in dbt. -
String getAssetDbtWorkflowLastUpdated()Name of the DBT workflow in Atlan that last updated the asset. -
AtlanIcon getAssetIcon()Name of the icon to use for this asset. (Only applies to glossaries, currently.) -
List of unique Monte Carlo alert names attached to this asset. -
List of Monte Carlo incident names attached to this asset. -
List of Monte Carlo incident priorities associated with this asset. -
List of unique Monte Carlo incident names attached to this asset. -
List of Monte Carlo incident severities associated with this asset. -
List of Monte Carlo incident states associated with this asset. -
List of Monte Carlo incident sub-types associated with this asset. -
List of Monte Carlo incident types associated with this asset. -
Boolean getAssetMcIsMonitored()Tracks whether this asset is monitored by MC or not -
Long getAssetMcLastSyncRunAt()Time (epoch) at which this asset was last synced from Monte Carlo. -
List of Monte Carlo monitor names attached to this asset. -
List of unique Monte Carlo monitor names attached to this asset. -
Schedules of all associated Monte Carlo monitors. -
Statuses of all associated Monte Carlo monitors. -
Types of all associated Monte Carlo monitors. -
Long getAssetPoliciesCount()Count of policies inside the asset -
Array of policy ids governing this asset -
Array of asset ids that equivalent to this asset. -
Long getAssetSodaCheckCount()Number of checks done via Soda. -
String getAssetSodaCheckStatuses()All associated Soda check statuses. -
String getAssetSodaDQStatus()Status of data quality from Soda. -
Long getAssetSodaLastScanAt()TBC -
Long getAssetSodaLastSyncRunAt()TBC -
String getAssetSodaSourceURL()TBC -
List of tags attached to this asset. -
String getAssetThemeHex()Color (in hexadecimal RGB) to use to represent this asset. -
SortedSet<IGlossaryTerm> getAssignedTerms()Glossary terms that are linked to this asset. -
String getAwsAccountId()12-digit number that uniquely identifies an AWS account. -
String getAwsArn()Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for this asset. This uniquely identifies the asset in AWS, and thus must be unique across all AWS asset instances. -
String getAwsOwnerId()Root user's ID. -
String getAwsOwnerName()Root user's name. -
String getAwsPartition()Group of AWS region and service objects. -
String getAwsRegion()Physical region where the data center in which the asset exists is clustered. -
String getAwsResourceId()Unique resource ID assigned when a new resource is created. -
String getAwsService()Type of service in which the asset exists. -
List of tags that have been applied to the asset in AWS. -
IS3Bucket getBucket()S3 bucket in which the object exists. -
CertificateStatus getCertificateStatus()Status of this asset's certification. -
String getCertificateStatusMessage()Human-readable descriptive message used to provide further detail to certificateStatus. -
Long getCertificateUpdatedAt()Time (epoch) at which the certification was last updated, in milliseconds. -
String getCertificateUpdatedBy()Name of the user who last updated the certification of this asset. -
String getConnectionName()Simple name of the connection through which this asset is accessible. -
String getConnectionQualifiedName()Unique name of the connection through which this asset is accessible. -
AtlanConnectorType getConnectorType()Type of the connector through which this asset is accessible. -
IDataContract getDataContractLatest()Latest version of the data contract (in any status) for this asset. -
IDataContract getDataContractLatestCertified()Latest certified version of the data contract for this asset. -
String getDbtQualifiedName()Unique name of this asset in dbt. -
String getDescription()Description of this asset, for example as crawled from a source. Fallback for display purposes, if userDescription is empty. -
String getDisplayName()Human-readable name of this asset used for display purposes (in user interface). -
Array of domain guids linked to this asset -
Boolean getHasContract()Whether this asset has contract (true) or not (false). -
Boolean getHasLineage()Whether this asset has lineage (true) or not (false). -
SortedSet<IDataProduct> getInputPortDataProducts()Data products for which this asset is an input port. -
SortedSet<IAirflowTask> getInputToAirflowTasks()Tasks to which this asset provides input. -
SortedSet<ILineageProcess> getInputToProcesses()Processes to which this asset provides input. -
Boolean getIsAIGenerated()TBC -
Boolean getIsDiscoverable()Whether this asset is discoverable through the UI (true) or not (false). -
Boolean getIsEditable()Whether this asset can be edited in the UI (true) or not (false). -
Boolean getIsPartial()TBC -
Long getLastRowChangedAt()Time (epoch) of the last operation that inserted, updated, or deleted rows, in milliseconds. -
String getLastSyncRun()Name of the last run of the crawler that last synchronized this asset. -
Long getLastSyncRunAt()Time (epoch) at which this asset was last crawled, in milliseconds. -
String getLastSyncWorkflowName()Name of the crawler that last synchronized this asset. -
String getLexicographicalSortOrder()Custom order for sorting purpose, managed by client -
Links that are attached to this asset. -
SortedSet<IMCIncident> getMcIncidents()TBC -
SortedSet<IMCMonitor> getMcMonitors()Monitors that observe this asset. -
SortedSet<IModelAttribute> getModelImplementedAttributes()Attributes implemented by this asset. -
SortedSet<IModelEntity> getModelImplementedEntities()Entities implemented by this asset. -
String getName()Name of this asset. Fallback for display purposes, if displayName is empty. -
Array of policy ids non-compliant to this asset -
SortedSet<IAirflowTask> getOutputFromAirflowTasks()Tasks from which this asset is output. -
SortedSet<ILineageProcess> getOutputFromProcesses()Processes from which this asset is produced as output. -
SortedSet<IDataProduct> getOutputPortDataProducts()Data products for which this asset is an output port. -
List of groups who own this asset. -
List of users who own this asset. -
Double getPopularityScore()Popularity score for this asset. -
String getQualifiedName()Unique name for this asset. This is typically a concatenation of the asset's name onto its parent's qualifiedName. This must be unique across all assets of the same type. -
IReadme getReadme()README that is linked to this asset. -
String getS3BucketName()Simple name of the bucket in which this object exists. -
String getS3BucketQualifiedName()Unique name of the bucket in which this object exists. -
String getS3ETag()Entity tag for the asset. An entity tag is a hash of the object and represents changes to the contents of an object only, not its metadata. -
String getS3Encryption()TBC -
String getS3ObjectContentDisposition()Information about how this object's content should be presented. -
String getS3ObjectContentType()Type of content in this object, for example: text/plain, application/json, etc. -
String getS3ObjectKey()Unique identity of this object in an S3 bucket. This is usually the concatenation of any prefix (folder) in the S3 bucket with the name of the object (file) itself. -
Long getS3ObjectLastModifiedTime()Time (epoch) at which this object was last updated, in milliseconds, or when it was created if it has never been modified. -
Long getS3ObjectSize()Object size in bytes. -
String getS3ObjectStorageClass()Storage class used for storing this object, for example: standard, intelligent-tiering, glacier, etc. -
String getS3ObjectVersionId()Version of this object. This is only applicable when versioning is enabled on the bucket in which this object exists. -
String getSampleDataUrl()URL for sample data for this asset. -
SortedSet<ISchemaRegistrySubject> getSchemaRegistrySubjects()TBC -
SortedSet<ISodaCheck> getSodaChecks()TBC -
SourceCostUnitType getSourceCostUnit()The unit of measure for sourceTotalCost. -
Long getSourceCreatedAt()Time (epoch) at which this asset was created in the source system, in milliseconds. -
String getSourceCreatedBy()Name of the user who created this asset, in the source system. -
String getSourceEmbedURL()URL to create an embed for a resource (for example, an image of a dashboard) within Atlan. -
Long getSourceLastReadAt()Timestamp of most recent read operation. -
String getSourceOwners()List of owners of this asset, in the source system. -
List<PopularityInsights> getSourceQueryComputeCostRecords()List of most expensive warehouses with extra insights. -
List of most expensive warehouse names. -
Long getSourceReadCount()Total count of all read operations at source. -
List<PopularityInsights> getSourceReadExpensiveQueryRecords()List of the most expensive queries that accessed this asset. -
List<PopularityInsights> getSourceReadPopularQueryRecords()List of the most popular queries that accessed this asset. -
Double getSourceReadQueryCost()Total cost of read queries at source. -
List<PopularityInsights> getSourceReadRecentUserRecords()List of usernames with extra insights for the most recent users who read this asset. -
List of usernames of the most recent users who read this asset. -
List<PopularityInsights> getSourceReadSlowQueryRecords()List of the slowest queries that accessed this asset. -
List<PopularityInsights> getSourceReadTopUserRecords()List of usernames with extra insights for the users who read this asset the most. -
List of usernames of the users who read this asset the most. -
Long getSourceReadUserCount()Total number of unique users that read data from asset. -
Double getSourceTotalCost()Total cost of all operations at source. -
String getSourceURL()URL to the resource within the source application, used to create a button to view this asset in the source application. -
Long getSourceUpdatedAt()Time (epoch) at which this asset was last updated in the source system, in milliseconds. -
String getSourceUpdatedBy()Name of the user who last updated this asset, in the source system. -
Users who have starred this asset. -
Integer getStarredCount()Number of users who have starred this asset. -
List<StarredDetails> getStarredDetails()List of usernames with extra information of the users who have starred an asset. -
String getSubType()Subtype of this asset. -
String getTenantId()Name of the Atlan workspace in which this asset exists. -
String getUserDescription()Description of this asset, as provided by a user. If present, this will be used for the description in user interface. -
Double getViewScore()View score for this asset. -
List of groups who can view assets contained in a collection. (This is only used for certain asset types.) -
List of users who can view assets contained in a collection. (This is only used for certain asset types.) -
String getTypeName()Name of the type that defines the asset. -
String getGuid()Globally-unique identifier for the asset. -
String getDisplayText()Human-readable name of the asset. -
String getEntityStatus()Status of the asset (if this is a related asset). -
String getRelationshipType()Type of the relationship (if this is a related asset). -
String getRelationshipGuid()Unique identifier of the relationship (when this is a related asset). -
AtlanStatus getRelationshipStatus()Status of the relationship (when this is a related asset). -
RelationshipAttributes getRelationshipAttributes()Attributes specific to the relationship (unused). -
UniqueAttributes getUniqueAttributes()Attribute(s) that uniquely identify the asset (when this is a related asset). If the guid is not provided, these must be provided. -
boolean isComplete()When true, indicates that this object represents a complete view of the entity. When false, this object is only a reference or some partial view of the entity. -
boolean isValidReferenceByGuid()Indicates whether this object can be used as a valid reference by GUID.- Returns:
- true if it is a valid GUID reference, false otherwise
boolean isValidReferenceByQualifiedName()Indicates whether this object can be used as a valid reference by qualifiedName.- Returns:
- true if it is a valid qualifiedName reference, false otherwise