Interface IReferenceable

All Known Implementing Classes:
AdfActivity, AdfDataflow, AdfDataset, AdfLinkedservice, AdfPipeline, ADLSAccount, ADLSContainer, ADLSObject, AIApplication, AIModel, AirflowDag, AirflowTask, AnaplanApp, AnaplanDimension, AnaplanLineItem, AnaplanList, AnaplanModel, AnaplanModule, AnaplanPage, AnaplanSystemDimension, AnaplanView, AnaplanWorkspace, AnomaloCheck, APIField, APIObject, APIPath, APIQuery, APISpec, Application, ApplicationField, Asset, AtlanCollection, AtlanQuery, AuthPolicy, AuthService, AzureEventHub, AzureEventHubConsumerGroup, AzureServiceBusNamespace, AzureServiceBusSchema, AzureServiceBusTopic, Badge, BigqueryTag, BIProcess, BusinessPolicy, BusinessPolicyException, BusinessPolicyIncident, BusinessPolicyLog, CalculationView, Cognite3DModel, CogniteAsset, CogniteEvent, CogniteFile, CogniteSequence, CogniteTimeSeries, CognosDashboard, CognosDatasource, CognosExploration, CognosFile, CognosFolder, CognosModule, CognosPackage, CognosReport, Column, ColumnProcess, Connection, CosmosMongoDBAccount, CosmosMongoDBCollection, CosmosMongoDBDatabase, Cube, CubeDimension, CubeField, CubeHierarchy, CustomEntity, CustomParentEntityCustomChildEntities.CustomChildEntity, CustomParentEntityCustomChildEntities.CustomParentEntity, CustomRelatedFromEntitiesCustomRelatedToEntities.CustomRelatedFromEntity, CustomRelatedFromEntitiesCustomRelatedToEntities.CustomRelatedToEntity, Database, DatabricksUnityCatalogTag, DataContract, DataDomain, DataProduct, DataStudioAsset, DataverseAttribute, DataverseEntity, DbtColumnProcess, DbtMetric, DbtModel, DbtModelColumn, DbtProcess, DbtSource, DbtTag, DbtTest, DocumentDBCollection, DocumentDBDatabase, DomoCard, DomoDashboard, DomoDataset, DomoDatasetColumn, DynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndex, DynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndex, DynamoDBTable, File, FivetranConnector, Folder, Function, GCSBucket, GCSObject, Glossary, GlossaryAntonym.Antonym, GlossaryCategory, GlossaryIsA.Classify, GlossaryIsA.IsA, GlossaryPreferredTerm.PreferredTerm, GlossaryPreferredTerm.PreferredToTerm, GlossaryRelatedTerm.SeeAlso, GlossaryReplacementTerm.ReplacedBy, GlossaryReplacementTerm.ReplacementTerm, GlossarySemanticAssignment.AssignedTerm, GlossarySynonym.Synonym, GlossaryTerm, GlossaryTermCategorization.Category, GlossaryTermCategorization.Term, GlossaryTranslation.TranslatedTerm, GlossaryTranslation.TranslationTerm, GlossaryValidValue.ValidValue, GlossaryValidValue.ValidValuesFor, IndistinctAsset, Insight, KafkaConsumerGroup, KafkaTopic, LineageProcess, Link, LookerDashboard, LookerExplore, LookerField, LookerFolder, LookerLook, LookerModel, LookerProject, LookerQuery, LookerTile, LookerView, MaterializedView, MatillionComponent, MatillionGroup, MatillionJob, MatillionProject, MCIncident, MCMonitor, MetabaseCollection, MetabaseDashboard, MetabaseQuestion, MicroStrategyAttribute, MicroStrategyCube, MicroStrategyDocument, MicroStrategyDossier, MicroStrategyFact, MicroStrategyMetric, MicroStrategyProject, MicroStrategyReport, MicroStrategyVisualization, ModeChart, ModeCollection, ModelAttribute, ModelAttributeAssociation, ModelDataModel, ModelEntity, ModelEntityAssociation, ModelVersion, ModeQuery, ModeReport, ModeWorkspace, MongoDBCollection, MongoDBDatabase, Persona, PowerBIColumn, PowerBIDashboard, PowerBIDataflow, PowerBIDataflowEntityColumn, PowerBIDataset, PowerBIDatasource, PowerBIMeasure, PowerBIPage, PowerBIReport, PowerBITable, PowerBITile, PowerBIWorkspace, PresetChart, PresetDashboard, PresetDataset, PresetWorkspace, Procedure, Purpose, QlikApp, QlikChart, QlikDataset, QlikSheet, QlikSpace, QlikStream, QuickSightAnalysis, QuickSightAnalysisVisual, QuickSightDashboard, QuickSightDashboardVisual, QuickSightDataset, QuickSightDatasetField, QuickSightFolder, Readme, ReadmeTemplate, RedashDashboard, RedashQuery, RedashVisualization, S3Bucket, S3Object, SalesforceDashboard, SalesforceField, SalesforceObject, SalesforceOrganization, SalesforceReport, Schema, SchemaRegistrySubject, SigmaDataElement, SigmaDataElementField, SigmaDataset, SigmaDatasetColumn, SigmaPage, SigmaWorkbook, SisenseDashboard, SisenseDatamodel, SisenseDatamodelTable, SisenseFolder, SisenseWidget, SnowflakeDynamicTable, SnowflakePipe, SnowflakeStream, SnowflakeTag, SodaCheck, SourceTag, SparkJob, Stakeholder, StakeholderTitle, SupersetChart, SupersetDashboard, SupersetDataset, Table, TableauCalculatedField, TableauDashboard, TableauDatasource, TableauDatasourceField, TableauFlow, TableauMetric, TableauProject, TableauSite, TableauWorkbook, TableauWorksheet, TablePartition, TagAttachment, Task, ThoughtspotAnswer, ThoughtspotColumn, ThoughtspotDashlet, ThoughtspotLiveboard, ThoughtspotTable, ThoughtspotView, ThoughtspotWorksheet, UserDefRelationship.UserDefRelationshipFrom, UserDefRelationship.UserDefRelationshipTo, View, Workflow, WorkflowRun

public interface IReferenceable
Base class for all entities.
  • Field Details


      static final InternalKeywordTextField TYPE_NAME
      Type of the asset. For example Table, Column, and so on.
    • GUID

      static final InternalKeywordField GUID
      Globally unique identifier (GUID) of any object in Atlan.

      static final InternalKeywordField CREATED_BY
      Atlan user who created this asset.

      static final InternalKeywordField UPDATED_BY
      Atlan user who last updated the asset.
    • STATUS

      static final InternalKeywordField STATUS
      Asset status in Atlan (active vs deleted).

      static final InternalKeywordTextField ATLAN_TAGS
      All directly-assigned Atlan tags that exist on an asset, searchable by internal hashed-string ID of the Atlan tag.

      static final InternalKeywordTextField PROPAGATED_ATLAN_TAGS
      All propagated Atlan tags that exist on an asset, searchable by internal hashed-string ID of the Atlan tag.

      static final InternalKeywordTextField ASSIGNED_TERMS
      All terms attached to an asset, searchable by the term's qualifiedName.

      static final InternalKeywordTextField SUPER_TYPE_NAMES
      All super types of an asset.

      static final InternalNumericField CREATE_TIME
      Time (in milliseconds) when the asset was created.

      static final InternalNumericField UPDATE_TIME
      Time (in milliseconds) when the asset was last updated.

      static final TextField CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES
      Any source-provided custom information. NOTE: this is NOT the same as custom metadata (user-managed), but is an entirely different area of source-managed custom information.
  • Method Details

    • getTypeName

      String getTypeName()
      Name of the type that defines the entity.
    • getGuid

      String getGuid()
      Globally-unique identifier for the entity.
    • getQualifiedName

      String getQualifiedName()
      Unique name for this asset. This is typically a concatenation of the asset's name onto its parent's qualifiedName.
    • getAtlanTags

      SortedSet<AtlanTag> getAtlanTags()
      Atlan tags assigned to the asset.
    • getCustomMetadataSets

      Map<String,CustomMetadataAttributes> getCustomMetadataSets()
      Map of custom metadata attributes and values defined on the asset. The map is keyed by the human-readable name of the custom metadata set, and the values are a further mapping from human-readable attribute name to the value for that attribute on this asset.
    • getStatus

      AtlanStatus getStatus()
      Status of the asset.
    • getCreatedBy

      String getCreatedBy()
      User or account that created the asset.
    • getUpdatedBy

      String getUpdatedBy()
      User or account that last updated the asset.
    • getCreateTime

      Long getCreateTime()
      Time (epoch) at which the asset was created, in milliseconds.
    • getUpdateTime

      Long getUpdateTime()
      Time (epoch) at which the asset was last updated, in milliseconds.
    • getDeleteHandler

      String getDeleteHandler()
      Details on the handler used for deletion of the asset.
    • getAtlanTagNames

      @Deprecated SortedSet<String> getAtlanTagNames()
      see getAtlanTags() instead
      The names of the Atlan tags that exist on the asset. This is not always returned, even by full retrieval operations. It is better to depend on the detailed values in the Atlan tags property.
    • getIsIncomplete

      Boolean getIsIncomplete()
    • getMeaningNames

      SortedSet<String> getMeaningNames()
      Names of terms that have been linked to this asset.
    • getMeanings

      @Deprecated SortedSet<Meaning> getMeanings()
      Details of terms that have been linked to this asset. This is not set by all API endpoints, so cannot be relied upon in general, even when there are terms assigned to an asset.
    • getPendingTasks

      SortedSet<String> getPendingTasks()
      Unique identifiers (GUIDs) for any background tasks that are yet to operate on this asset.