Class ReadmeTemplate

All Implemented Interfaces:
IAsset, ICatalog, IReadmeTemplate, IReferenceable, IResource, AuditDetail, Serializable, Comparable<Reference>

@Generated("com.atlan.generators.ModelGeneratorV2") public class ReadmeTemplate extends Asset implements IReadmeTemplate, IResource, ICatalog, IAsset, IReferenceable
Instance of a README template in Atlan.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • trimToReference

      public ReadmeTemplate trimToReference() throws InvalidRequestException
      Builds the minimal object necessary to create a relationship to a ReadmeTemplate, from a potentially more-complete ReadmeTemplate object.
      trimToReference in class Asset
      the minimal object necessary to relate to the ReadmeTemplate
      InvalidRequestException - if any of the minimal set of required properties for a ReadmeTemplate relationship are not found in the initial object
    • select

      public static FluentSearch.FluentSearchBuilder<?,?> select(AtlanClient client)
      Start a fluent search that will return all ReadmeTemplate assets. Additional conditions can be chained onto the returned search before any asset retrieval is attempted, ensuring all conditions are pushed-down for optimal retrieval. Only active (non-archived) ReadmeTemplate assets will be included.
      client - connectivity to the Atlan tenant from which to retrieve the assets
      a fluent search that includes all ReadmeTemplate assets
    • select

      public static FluentSearch.FluentSearchBuilder<?,?> select(AtlanClient client, boolean includeArchived)
      Start a fluent search that will return all ReadmeTemplate assets. Additional conditions can be chained onto the returned search before any asset retrieval is attempted, ensuring all conditions are pushed-down for optimal retrieval.
      client - connectivity to the Atlan tenant from which to retrieve the assets
      includeArchived - when true, archived (soft-deleted) ReadmeTemplates will be included
      a fluent search that includes all ReadmeTemplate assets
    • refByGuid

      public static ReadmeTemplate refByGuid(String guid)
      Reference to a ReadmeTemplate by GUID. Use this to create a relationship to this ReadmeTemplate, where the relationship should be replaced.
      guid - the GUID of the ReadmeTemplate to reference
      reference to a ReadmeTemplate that can be used for defining a relationship to a ReadmeTemplate
    • refByGuid

      public static ReadmeTemplate refByGuid(String guid, Reference.SaveSemantic semantic)
      Reference to a ReadmeTemplate by GUID. Use this to create a relationship to this ReadmeTemplate, where you want to further control how that relationship should be updated (i.e. replaced, appended, or removed).
      guid - the GUID of the ReadmeTemplate to reference
      semantic - how to save this relationship (replace all with this, append it, or remove it)
      reference to a ReadmeTemplate that can be used for defining a relationship to a ReadmeTemplate
    • refByQualifiedName

      public static ReadmeTemplate refByQualifiedName(String qualifiedName)
      Reference to a ReadmeTemplate by qualifiedName. Use this to create a relationship to this ReadmeTemplate, where the relationship should be replaced.
      qualifiedName - the qualifiedName of the ReadmeTemplate to reference
      reference to a ReadmeTemplate that can be used for defining a relationship to a ReadmeTemplate
    • refByQualifiedName

      public static ReadmeTemplate refByQualifiedName(String qualifiedName, Reference.SaveSemantic semantic)
      Reference to a ReadmeTemplate by qualifiedName. Use this to create a relationship to this ReadmeTemplate, where you want to further control how that relationship should be updated (i.e. replaced, appended, or removed).
      qualifiedName - the qualifiedName of the ReadmeTemplate to reference
      semantic - how to save this relationship (replace all with this, append it, or remove it)
      reference to a ReadmeTemplate that can be used for defining a relationship to a ReadmeTemplate
    • get

      public static ReadmeTemplate get(AtlanClient client, String id) throws AtlanException
      Retrieves a ReadmeTemplate by one of its identifiers, complete with all of its relationships.
      client - connectivity to the Atlan tenant from which to retrieve the asset
      id - of the ReadmeTemplate to retrieve, either its GUID or its full qualifiedName
      the requested full ReadmeTemplate, complete with all of its relationships
      AtlanException - on any error during the API invocation, such as the NotFoundException if the ReadmeTemplate does not exist or the provided GUID is not a ReadmeTemplate
    • get

      public static ReadmeTemplate get(AtlanClient client, String id, boolean includeAllRelationships) throws AtlanException
      Retrieves a ReadmeTemplate by one of its identifiers, optionally complete with all of its relationships.
      client - connectivity to the Atlan tenant from which to retrieve the asset
      id - of the ReadmeTemplate to retrieve, either its GUID or its full qualifiedName
      includeAllRelationships - if true, all the asset's relationships will also be retrieved; if false, no relationships will be retrieved
      the requested full ReadmeTemplate, optionally complete with all of its relationships
      AtlanException - on any error during the API invocation, such as the NotFoundException if the ReadmeTemplate does not exist or the provided GUID is not a ReadmeTemplate
    • get

      public static ReadmeTemplate get(AtlanClient client, String id, Collection<AtlanField> attributes) throws AtlanException
      Retrieves a ReadmeTemplate by one of its identifiers, with only the requested attributes (and relationships).
      client - connectivity to the Atlan tenant from which to retrieve the asset
      id - of the ReadmeTemplate to retrieve, either its GUID or its full qualifiedName
      attributes - to retrieve for the ReadmeTemplate, including any relationships
      the requested ReadmeTemplate, with only its minimal information and the requested attributes (and relationships)
      AtlanException - on any error during the API invocation, such as the NotFoundException if the ReadmeTemplate does not exist or the provided GUID is not a ReadmeTemplate
    • get

      public static ReadmeTemplate get(AtlanClient client, String id, Collection<AtlanField> attributes, Collection<AtlanField> attributesOnRelated) throws AtlanException
      Retrieves a ReadmeTemplate by one of its identifiers, with only the requested attributes (and relationships).
      client - connectivity to the Atlan tenant from which to retrieve the asset
      id - of the ReadmeTemplate to retrieve, either its GUID or its full qualifiedName
      attributes - to retrieve for the ReadmeTemplate, including any relationships
      attributesOnRelated - to retrieve on each relationship retrieved for the ReadmeTemplate
      the requested ReadmeTemplate, with only its minimal information and the requested attributes (and relationships)
      AtlanException - on any error during the API invocation, such as the NotFoundException if the ReadmeTemplate does not exist or the provided GUID is not a ReadmeTemplate
    • restore

      public static boolean restore(AtlanClient client, String qualifiedName) throws AtlanException
      Restore the archived (soft-deleted) ReadmeTemplate to active.
      client - connectivity to the Atlan tenant on which to restore the asset
      qualifiedName - for the ReadmeTemplate
      true if the ReadmeTemplate is now active, and false otherwise
      AtlanException - on any API problems
    • updater

      public static ReadmeTemplate.ReadmeTemplateBuilder<?,?> updater(String qualifiedName, String name)
      Builds the minimal object necessary to update a ReadmeTemplate.
      qualifiedName - of the ReadmeTemplate
      name - of the ReadmeTemplate
      the minimal request necessary to update the ReadmeTemplate, as a builder
    • trimToRequired

      Builds the minimal object necessary to apply an update to a ReadmeTemplate, from a potentially more-complete ReadmeTemplate object.
      trimToRequired in class Asset
      the minimal object necessary to update the ReadmeTemplate, as a builder
      InvalidRequestException - if any of the minimal set of required properties for ReadmeTemplate are not found in the initial object
    • removeDescription

      public static ReadmeTemplate removeDescription(AtlanClient client, String qualifiedName, String name) throws AtlanException
      Remove the system description from a ReadmeTemplate.
      client - connectivity to the Atlan tenant on which to remove the asset's description
      qualifiedName - of the ReadmeTemplate
      name - of the ReadmeTemplate
      the updated ReadmeTemplate, or null if the removal failed
      AtlanException - on any API problems
    • removeUserDescription

      public static ReadmeTemplate removeUserDescription(AtlanClient client, String qualifiedName, String name) throws AtlanException
      Remove the user's description from a ReadmeTemplate.
      client - connectivity to the Atlan tenant on which to remove the asset's description
      qualifiedName - of the ReadmeTemplate
      name - of the ReadmeTemplate
      the updated ReadmeTemplate, or null if the removal failed
      AtlanException - on any API problems
    • _internal

      public static ReadmeTemplate.ReadmeTemplateBuilder<?,?> _internal()
    • toBuilder

      public ReadmeTemplate.ReadmeTemplateBuilder<?,?> toBuilder()
      toBuilder in class Reference
    • getIcon

      public String getIcon()
      Icon to use for the README template.
      Specified by:
      getIcon in interface IReadmeTemplate
    • getIconType

      public IconType getIconType()
      Type of icon, for example: image or emoji.
      Specified by:
      getIconType in interface IReadmeTemplate
    • getInputToAirflowTasks

      public SortedSet<IAirflowTask> getInputToAirflowTasks()
      Tasks to which this asset provides input.
      Specified by:
      getInputToAirflowTasks in interface ICatalog
      Specified by:
      getInputToAirflowTasks in interface IReadmeTemplate
      Specified by:
      getInputToAirflowTasks in interface IResource
    • getInputToProcesses

      public SortedSet<ILineageProcess> getInputToProcesses()
      Processes to which this asset provides input.
      Specified by:
      getInputToProcesses in interface ICatalog
      Specified by:
      getInputToProcesses in interface IReadmeTemplate
      Specified by:
      getInputToProcesses in interface IResource
    • getInputToSparkJobs

      public SortedSet<ISparkJob> getInputToSparkJobs()
      Specified by:
      getInputToSparkJobs in interface ICatalog
      Specified by:
      getInputToSparkJobs in interface IReadmeTemplate
      Specified by:
      getInputToSparkJobs in interface IResource
    • getIsGlobal

      public Boolean getIsGlobal()
      Whether the resource is global (true) or not (false).
      Specified by:
      getIsGlobal in interface IReadmeTemplate
      Specified by:
      getIsGlobal in interface IResource
    • getLink

      public String getLink()
      URL to the resource.
      Specified by:
      getLink in interface IReadmeTemplate
      Specified by:
      getLink in interface IResource
    • getModelImplementedAttributes

      public SortedSet<IModelAttribute> getModelImplementedAttributes()
      Attributes implemented by this asset.
      Specified by:
      getModelImplementedAttributes in interface ICatalog
      Specified by:
      getModelImplementedAttributes in interface IReadmeTemplate
      Specified by:
      getModelImplementedAttributes in interface IResource
    • getModelImplementedEntities

      public SortedSet<IModelEntity> getModelImplementedEntities()
      Entities implemented by this asset.
      Specified by:
      getModelImplementedEntities in interface ICatalog
      Specified by:
      getModelImplementedEntities in interface IReadmeTemplate
      Specified by:
      getModelImplementedEntities in interface IResource
    • getOutputFromAirflowTasks

      public SortedSet<IAirflowTask> getOutputFromAirflowTasks()
      Tasks from which this asset is output.
      Specified by:
      getOutputFromAirflowTasks in interface ICatalog
      Specified by:
      getOutputFromAirflowTasks in interface IReadmeTemplate
      Specified by:
      getOutputFromAirflowTasks in interface IResource
    • getOutputFromProcesses

      public SortedSet<ILineageProcess> getOutputFromProcesses()
      Processes from which this asset is produced as output.
      Specified by:
      getOutputFromProcesses in interface ICatalog
      Specified by:
      getOutputFromProcesses in interface IReadmeTemplate
      Specified by:
      getOutputFromProcesses in interface IResource
    • getOutputFromSparkJobs

      public SortedSet<ISparkJob> getOutputFromSparkJobs()
      Specified by:
      getOutputFromSparkJobs in interface ICatalog
      Specified by:
      getOutputFromSparkJobs in interface IReadmeTemplate
      Specified by:
      getOutputFromSparkJobs in interface IResource
    • getReference

      public String getReference()
      Reference to the resource.
      Specified by:
      getReference in interface IReadmeTemplate
      Specified by:
      getReference in interface IResource
    • getResourceMetadata

      public Map<String,String> getResourceMetadata()
      Metadata of the resource.
      Specified by:
      getResourceMetadata in interface IReadmeTemplate
      Specified by:
      getResourceMetadata in interface IResource
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Asset
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
      canEqual in class Asset
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Asset
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Description copied from class: AtlanObject
      toString in class Asset
    • getTypeName

      public String getTypeName()
      Fixed typeName for ReadmeTemplates.
      Specified by:
      getTypeName in interface AuditDetail
      Specified by:
      getTypeName in interface IAsset
      Specified by:
      getTypeName in interface ICatalog
      Specified by:
      getTypeName in interface IReadmeTemplate
      Specified by:
      getTypeName in interface IReferenceable
      Specified by:
      getTypeName in interface IResource
      getTypeName in class Reference