Class CompoundQuery.CompoundQueryBuilder<C extends CompoundQuery,B extends CompoundQuery.CompoundQueryBuilder<C,B>>

Direct Known Subclasses:
AuditSearch.AuditSearchBuilder, FluentSearch.FluentSearchBuilder, SearchLog.SearchLogBuilder
Enclosing class:

public abstract static class CompoundQuery.CompoundQueryBuilder<C extends CompoundQuery,B extends CompoundQuery.CompoundQueryBuilder<C,B>> extends Object
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Adds a condition that matches only active assets.
    Adds a condition that matches only archived assets.
    abstract C
    Client through which to run the search.
    minSomes(int minSomes)
    The minimum number of criteria in the "whereSomes" that must match on each search result.
    protected abstract B
    tagged(boolean directly)
    Returns a query that will only match assets that have at least one Atlan tag assigned.
    tagged(Collection<String> atlanTagNames)
    Returns a query that will only match assets that have at least one of the Atlan tags provided.
    taggedWithValue(String atlanTagName, String value)
    Returns a query that will match assets that have a specific value for the specified tag (for source-synced tags).
    taggedWithValue(String atlanTagName, String value, boolean directly)
    Returns a query that will match assets that have a specific value for the specified tag (for source-synced tags).
    taggedWithValue(String atlanTagName, String sourceTagQualifiedName, String value, boolean directly)
    Returns a query that will match assets that have a specific value for the specified tag (for source-synced tags).
    where(co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.Query where)
    whereNot(co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.Query whereNot)
    whereNots(Collection<? extends co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.Query> whereNots)
    wheres(Collection<? extends co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.Query> wheres)
    whereSome(co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.Query whereSome)
    whereSomes(Collection<? extends co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.Query> whereSomes)
    Adds a condition that matches only assets with lineage.
    Adds a condition that matches only assets without lineage.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • CompoundQueryBuilder

      public CompoundQueryBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • tagged

      public B tagged(Collection<String> atlanTagNames) throws AtlanException
      Returns a query that will only match assets that have at least one of the Atlan tags provided. This will match irrespective of the Atlan tag being directly applied to the asset, or if it was propagated to the asset.
      atlanTagNames - human-readable names of the Atlan tags
      a query that will only match assets that have at least one of the Atlan tags provided
      AtlanException - on any error communicating with the API to refresh the Atlan tag cache
    • tagged

      public B tagged(boolean directly)
      Returns a query that will only match assets that have at least one Atlan tag assigned.
      directly - when true, the asset must have at least one Atlan tag directly assigned (otherwise even propagated tags will suffice)
      a query that will only match assets that have at least one Atlan tag directly assigned
    • taggedWithValue

      public B taggedWithValue(String atlanTagName, String value) throws AtlanException
      Returns a query that will match assets that have a specific value for the specified tag (for source-synced tags).
      atlanTagName - human-readable name of the Atlan tag
      value - the tag should have to match the query
      a query that will only match assets that have a particular value assigned for the given Atlan tag
      AtlanException - on any error communicating with the API to refresh the Atlan tag cache
    • taggedWithValue

      public B taggedWithValue(String atlanTagName, String value, boolean directly) throws AtlanException
      Returns a query that will match assets that have a specific value for the specified tag (for source-synced tags).
      atlanTagName - human-readable name of the Atlan tag
      value - the tag should have to match the query
      directly - when true, the asset must have the tag and value directly assigned (otherwise even propagated tags with the value will suffice)
      a query that will only match assets that have a particular value assigned for the given Atlan tag
      AtlanException - on any error communicating with the API to refresh the Atlan tag cache
    • taggedWithValue

      public B taggedWithValue(String atlanTagName, String sourceTagQualifiedName, String value, boolean directly) throws AtlanException
      Returns a query that will match assets that have a specific value for the specified tag (for source-synced tags).
      atlanTagName - human-readable name of the Atlan tag
      sourceTagQualifiedName - qualifiedName of the source tag to match (when there are multiple)
      value - the tag should have to match the query
      directly - when true, the asset must have the tag and value directly assigned (otherwise even propagated tags with the value will suffice)
      a query that will only match assets that have a particular value assigned for the given Atlan tag
      AtlanException - on any error communicating with the API to refresh the Atlan tag cache
    • active

      public B active()
      Adds a condition that matches only active assets. Note: this is mutually-exclusive with archived() -- if you want both, specify neither.
      the search builder with a condition that will only match assets that are active
    • archived

      public B archived()
      Adds a condition that matches only archived assets. Note: this is mutually-exclusive with active() -- if you want both, specify neither.
      the search builder with a condition that will only match assets that are active
    • withLineage

      public B withLineage()
      Adds a condition that matches only assets with lineage. Note: this is mutually-exclusive with withoutLineage() -- if you want both, specify neither.
      the search builder with a condition that will only match assets that have lineage
    • withoutLineage

      public B withoutLineage()
      Adds a condition that matches only assets without lineage. Note: this is mutually-exclusive with withLineage() -- if you want both, specify neither.
      the search builder with a condition that will only match assets that do NOT have lineage
    • client

      public B client(AtlanClient client)
      Client through which to run the search.
    • where

      public B where(co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.Query where)
    • wheres

      public B wheres(Collection<? extends co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.Query> wheres)
    • clearWheres

      public B clearWheres()
    • whereNot

      public B whereNot(co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.Query whereNot)
    • whereNots

      public B whereNots(Collection<? extends co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.Query> whereNots)
    • clearWhereNots

      public B clearWhereNots()
    • whereSome

      public B whereSome(co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.Query whereSome)
    • whereSomes

      public B whereSomes(Collection<? extends co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.Query> whereSomes)
    • clearWhereSomes

      public B clearWhereSomes()
    • minSomes

      public B minSomes(int minSomes)
      The minimum number of criteria in the "whereSomes" that must match on each search result. (Defaults to 1.)
    • self

      protected abstract B self()
    • build

      public abstract C build()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object