Class SourceTagAttachment

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Generated("com.atlan.generators.ModelGeneratorV2") public class SourceTagAttachment extends AtlanStruct
Detailed information about the attachment of a tag to an Atlan asset, synced from source.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • byName

      public static SourceTagAttachment byName(AtlanClient client, SourceTagCache.SourceTagName name, List<SourceTagAttachmentValue> sourceTagValues, Long sourceTagSyncTimestamp, String sourceTagSyncError) throws AtlanException
      Create a source-synced tag attachment with a particular value, when the attachment is synced to the source.
      client - connectivity to an Atlan tenant
      name - Unique name of the source tag, in Atlan.
      sourceTagValues - Value of the tag attachment, from the source.
      sourceTagSyncTimestamp - Time (epoch) when the tag attachment was synced at the source, in milliseconds.
      sourceTagSyncError - Error message if the tag attachment sync at the source failed.
      a SourceTagAttachment with the provided information
      AtlanException - on any error communicating via the underlying APIs
      NotFoundException - if the source-synced tag cannot be resolved
    • byName

      public static SourceTagAttachment byName(AtlanClient client, SourceTagCache.SourceTagName name, List<SourceTagAttachmentValue> sourceTagValues) throws AtlanException
      Create a source-synced tag attachment with a particular value, when the attachment is not synced to the source.
      client - connectivity to an Atlan tenant
      name - Unique name of the source tag, in Atlan.
      sourceTagValues - Value of the tag attachment, from the source.
      a SourceTagAttachment with the provided information
      AtlanException - on any error communicating via the underlying APIs
      NotFoundException - if the source-synced tag cannot be resolved
    • byQualifiedName

      public static SourceTagAttachment byQualifiedName(AtlanClient client, String sourceTagQualifiedName, List<SourceTagAttachmentValue> sourceTagValues, Long sourceTagSyncTimestamp, String sourceTagSyncError) throws AtlanException
      Create a source-synced tag attachment with a particular value, when the attachment is synced to the source.
      client - connectivity to an Atlan tenant
      sourceTagQualifiedName - Unique name of the source tag, in Atlan.
      sourceTagValues - Value of the tag attachment, from the source.
      sourceTagSyncTimestamp - Time (epoch) when the tag attachment was synced at the source, in milliseconds.
      sourceTagSyncError - Error message if the tag attachment sync at the source failed.
      a SourceTagAttachment with the provided information
      AtlanException - on any error communicating via the underlying APIs
      NotFoundException - if the source-synced tag cannot be resolved
    • byQualifiedName

      public static SourceTagAttachment byQualifiedName(AtlanClient client, String sourceTagQualifiedName, List<SourceTagAttachmentValue> sourceTagValues) throws AtlanException
      Create a source-synced tag attachment with a particular value, when the attachment is not synced to the source.
      client - connectivity to an Atlan tenant
      sourceTagQualifiedName - Unique name of the source tag, in Atlan.
      sourceTagValues - Value of the tag attachment, from the source.
      a SourceTagAttachment with the provided information
      AtlanException - on any error communicating via the underlying APIs
      NotFoundException - if the source-synced tag cannot be resolved
    • of

      public static SourceTagAttachment of(String sourceTagName, String sourceTagQualifiedName, String sourceTagGuid, String sourceTagConnectorName, List<SourceTagAttachmentValue> sourceTagValues, Boolean isSourceTagSynced, Long sourceTagSyncTimestamp, String sourceTagSyncError)
      Quickly create a new SourceTagAttachment.
      sourceTagName - Simple name of the source tag.
      sourceTagQualifiedName - Unique name of the source tag, in Atlan.
      sourceTagGuid - Unique identifier (GUID) of the source tag, in Atlan.
      sourceTagConnectorName - Connector that is the source of the tag.
      sourceTagValues - Value of the tag attachment, from the source.
      isSourceTagSynced - Whether the tag attachment has been synced at the source (true) or not (false).
      sourceTagSyncTimestamp - Time (epoch) when the tag attachment was synced at the source, in milliseconds.
      sourceTagSyncError - Error message if the tag attachment sync at the source failed.
      a SourceTagAttachment with the provided information
    • builder

      public static SourceTagAttachment.SourceTagAttachmentBuilder<?,?> builder()
    • toBuilder

    • getSourceTagName

      public String getSourceTagName()
      Simple name of the source tag.
    • getSourceTagQualifiedName

      public String getSourceTagQualifiedName()
      Unique name of the source tag, in Atlan.
    • getSourceTagGuid

      public String getSourceTagGuid()
      Unique identifier (GUID) of the source tag, in Atlan.
    • getSourceTagConnectorName

      public String getSourceTagConnectorName()
      Connector that is the source of the tag.
    • getSourceTagValues

      public List<SourceTagAttachmentValue> getSourceTagValues()
      Value of the tag attachment, from the source.
    • getIsSourceTagSynced

      public Boolean getIsSourceTagSynced()
      Whether the tag attachment has been synced at the source (true) or not (false).
    • getSourceTagSyncTimestamp

      public Long getSourceTagSyncTimestamp()
      Time (epoch) when the tag attachment was synced at the source, in milliseconds.
    • getSourceTagSyncError

      public String getSourceTagSyncError()
      Error message if the tag attachment sync at the source failed.
    • getSourceTagType

      public String getSourceTagType()
      Specifies the source tag type.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class AtlanStruct
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
      canEqual in class AtlanStruct
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class AtlanStruct
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Description copied from class: AtlanObject
      toString in class AtlanObject
    • getTypeName

      public String getTypeName()
      Fixed typeName for SourceTagAttachment.
      getTypeName in class AtlanStruct