
class pyatlan.model.assets.Asset(*, typeName: str = 'Asset', attributes: Asset.Attributes = None, businessAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, createdBy: str | None = None, createTime: int | None = None, deleteHandler: str | None = None, guid: str = '', isIncomplete: bool | None = True, labels: List[str] | None = None, relationshipAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, status: EntityStatus | None = None, updatedBy: str | None = None, updateTime: int | None = None, version: int | None = None, classifications: List[AtlanTag] | None = None, classificationNames: List[str] | None = None, displayText: str | None = None, entityStatus: str | None = None, relationshipGuid: str | None = None, relationshipStatus: str | None = None, relationshipType: str | None = None, meaningNames: List[str] | None = None, meanings: List[Meaning] | None = None, customAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, scrubbed: bool | None = None, pendingTasks: List[str] | None = None, uniqueAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, appendRelationshipAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, removeRelationshipAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, semantic: SaveSemantic | None = None, depth: int | None = None)[source]#


ADMIN_GROUPS: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of groups who administer this asset. (This is only used for certain asset types.)

ADMIN_ROLES: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of roles who administer this asset. (This is only used for Connection assets.)

ADMIN_USERS: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of users who administer this asset. (This is only used for certain asset types.)

ANNOUNCEMENT_MESSAGE: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Detailed message to include in the announcement on this asset.

ANNOUNCEMENT_TITLE: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Brief title for the announcement on this asset. Required when announcementType is specified.

ANNOUNCEMENT_TYPE: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Type of announcement on this asset.

ANNOUNCEMENT_UPDATED_AT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Time (epoch) at which the announcement was last updated, in milliseconds.

ANNOUNCEMENT_UPDATED_BY: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Name of the user who last updated the announcement.

ASSET_COVER_IMAGE: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#


ASSET_DBT_ACCOUNT_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Name of the account in which this asset exists in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_ALIAS: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Alias of this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_ENVIRONMENT_DBT_VERSION: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Version of the environment in which this asset is materialized in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_ENVIRONMENT_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Name of the environment in which this asset is materialized in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt last ran, in milliseconds.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_ARTIFACTS_SAVED: ClassVar[BooleanField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.BooleanField object>#

Whether artifacts were saved from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false).

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_ARTIFACT_S3PATH: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Path in S3 to the artifacts saved from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_CREATED_AT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was last created, in milliseconds.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_DEQUED_AT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was dequeued, in milliseconds.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_EXECUTED_BY_THREAD_ID: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Thread ID of the user who executed the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_GIT_BRANCH: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Branch in git from which the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt ran.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_GIT_SHA: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

SHA hash in git for the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_HAS_DOCS_GENERATED: ClassVar[BooleanField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.BooleanField object>#

Whether docs were generated from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false).

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_HAS_SOURCES_GENERATED: ClassVar[BooleanField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.BooleanField object>#

Whether sources were generated from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false).

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_NOTIFICATIONS_SENT: ClassVar[BooleanField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.BooleanField object>#

Whether notifications were sent from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false).

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_OWNER_THREAD_ID: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Thread ID of the owner of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_QUEUED_DURATION: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Total duration the job that materialized this asset in dbt spent being queued.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_QUEUED_DURATION_HUMANIZED: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Human-readable total duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt spend being queued.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_RUN_DURATION: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Run duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_RUN_DURATION_HUMANIZED: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Human-readable run duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_STARTED_AT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was started running, in milliseconds.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_STATUS_MESSAGE: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Status message of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_TOTAL_DURATION: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Total duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_TOTAL_DURATION_HUMANIZED: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Human-readable total duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_UPDATED_AT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was last updated, in milliseconds.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_LAST_RUN_URL: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

URL of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Name of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_NEXT_RUN: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Time (epoch) when the next run of the job that materializes this asset in dbt is scheduled.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_NEXT_RUN_HUMANIZED: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Human-readable time when the next run of the job that materializes this asset in dbt is scheduled.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_SCHEDULE: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Schedule of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_SCHEDULE_CRON_HUMANIZED: ClassVar[TextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.TextField object>#

Human-readable cron schedule of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_JOB_STATUS: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Status of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_META: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Metadata for this asset in dbt, specifically everything under the ‘meta’ key in the dbt object.

ASSET_DBT_PACKAGE_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Name of the package in which this asset exists in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_PROJECT_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Name of the project in which this asset exists in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_SEMANTIC_LAYER_PROXY_URL: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

URL of the semantic layer proxy for this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_SOURCE_FRESHNESS_CRITERIA: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Freshness criteria for the source of this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_TAGS: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

List of tags attached to this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_TEST_STATUS: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

All associated dbt test statuses.

ASSET_DBT_UNIQUE_ID: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Unique identifier of this asset in dbt.

ASSET_DBT_WORKFLOW_LAST_UPDATED: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Name of the DBT workflow in Atlan that last updated the asset.

ASSET_ICON: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Name of the icon to use for this asset. (Only applies to glossaries, currently.)

ASSET_MC_INCIDENT_NAMES: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

List of Monte Carlo incident names attached to this asset.

ASSET_MC_INCIDENT_QUALIFIED_NAMES: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

List of unique Monte Carlo incident names attached to this asset.

ASSET_MC_INCIDENT_SEVERITIES: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of Monte Carlo incident severities associated with this asset.

ASSET_MC_INCIDENT_STATES: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of Monte Carlo incident states associated with this asset.

ASSET_MC_INCIDENT_SUB_TYPES: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of Monte Carlo incident sub-types associated with this asset.

ASSET_MC_INCIDENT_TYPES: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of Monte Carlo incident types associated with this asset.

ASSET_MC_LAST_SYNC_RUN_AT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Time (epoch) at which this asset was last synced from Monte Carlo.

ASSET_MC_MONITOR_NAMES: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

List of Monte Carlo monitor names attached to this asset.

ASSET_MC_MONITOR_QUALIFIED_NAMES: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

List of unique Monte Carlo monitor names attached to this asset.

ASSET_MC_MONITOR_SCHEDULE_TYPES: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Schedules of all associated Monte Carlo monitors.

ASSET_MC_MONITOR_STATUSES: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Statuses of all associated Monte Carlo monitors.

ASSET_MC_MONITOR_TYPES: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Types of all associated Monte Carlo monitors.

ASSET_SODA_CHECK_COUNT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Number of checks done via Soda.

ASSET_SODA_CHECK_STATUSES: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

All associated Soda check statuses.

ASSET_SODA_DQ_STATUS: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Status of data quality from Soda.

ASSET_SODA_LAST_SCAN_AT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#
ASSET_SODA_LAST_SYNC_RUN_AT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#
ASSET_SODA_SOURCE_URL: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#
ASSET_TAGS: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

List of tags attached to this asset.

ASSET_THEME_HEX: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Color (in hexadecimal RGB) to use to represent this asset.

CERTIFICATE_STATUS: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Status of this asset’s certification.

CERTIFICATE_STATUS_MESSAGE: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Human-readable descriptive message used to provide further detail to certificateStatus.

CERTIFICATE_UPDATED_AT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Time (epoch) at which the certification was last updated, in milliseconds.

CERTIFICATE_UPDATED_BY: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Name of the user who last updated the certification of this asset.

CONNECTION_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Simple name of the connection through which this asset is accessible.

CONNECTION_QUALIFIED_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Unique name of the connection through which this asset is accessible.

CONNECTOR_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Type of the connector through which this asset is accessible.

DATA_CONTRACT_LATEST: ClassVar[RelationField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.RelationField object>#


DATA_CONTRACT_LATEST_CERTIFIED: ClassVar[RelationField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.RelationField object>#


DBT_QUALIFIED_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Unique name of this asset in dbt.

DESCRIPTION: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Description of this asset, for example as crawled from a source. Fallback for display purposes, if userDescription is empty.

DISPLAY_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Human-readable name of this asset used for display purposes (in user interface).

FILES: ClassVar[RelationField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.RelationField object>#


HAS_CONTRACT: ClassVar[BooleanField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.BooleanField object>#

Whether this asset has contract (true) or not (false).

HAS_LINEAGE: ClassVar[BooleanField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.BooleanField object>#

Whether this asset has lineage (true) or not (false).

INPUT_PORT_DATA_PRODUCTS: ClassVar[RelationField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.RelationField object>#


IS_AI_GENERATED: ClassVar[BooleanField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.BooleanField object>#
IS_DISCOVERABLE: ClassVar[BooleanField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.BooleanField object>#

Whether this asset is discoverable through the UI (true) or not (false).

IS_EDITABLE: ClassVar[BooleanField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.BooleanField object>#

Whether this asset can be edited in the UI (true) or not (false).

IS_PARTIAL: ClassVar[BooleanField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.BooleanField object>#


LAST_ROW_CHANGED_AT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Time (epoch) of the last operation that inserted, updated, or deleted rows, in milliseconds.

LAST_SYNC_RUN: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Name of the last run of the crawler that last synchronized this asset.

LAST_SYNC_RUN_AT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Time (epoch) at which this asset was last crawled, in milliseconds.

LAST_SYNC_WORKFLOW_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Name of the crawler that last synchronized this asset.


MC_INCIDENTS: ClassVar[RelationField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.RelationField object>#


MC_MONITORS: ClassVar[RelationField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.RelationField object>#


METRICS: ClassVar[RelationField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.RelationField object>#


NAME: ClassVar[KeywordTextStemmedField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextStemmedField object>#

Name of this asset. Fallback for display purposes, if displayName is empty.

OUTPUT_PORT_DATA_PRODUCTS: ClassVar[RelationField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.RelationField object>#


OWNER_GROUPS: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of groups who own this asset.

OWNER_USERS: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of users who own this asset.

POPULARITY_SCORE: ClassVar[NumericRankField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericRankField object>#

Popularity score for this asset.

README: ClassVar[RelationField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.RelationField object>#


SAMPLE_DATA_URL: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

URL for sample data for this asset.

SCHEMA_REGISTRY_SUBJECTS: ClassVar[RelationField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.RelationField object>#


SODA_CHECKS: ClassVar[RelationField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.RelationField object>#


SOURCE_COST_UNIT: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

The unit of measure for sourceTotalCost.

SOURCE_CREATED_AT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Time (epoch) at which this asset was created in the source system, in milliseconds.

SOURCE_CREATED_BY: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Name of the user who created this asset, in the source system.

SOURCE_EMBED_URL: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

URL to create an embed for a resource (for example, an image of a dashboard) within Atlan.

SOURCE_LAST_READ_AT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Timestamp of most recent read operation.

SOURCE_OWNERS: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of owners of this asset, in the source system.

SOURCE_QUERY_COMPUTE_COST_LIST: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of most expensive warehouse names.

SOURCE_QUERY_COMPUTE_COST_RECORD_LIST: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of most expensive warehouses with extra insights.

SOURCE_READ_COUNT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Total count of all read operations at source.

SOURCE_READ_EXPENSIVE_QUERY_RECORD_LIST: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of the most expensive queries that accessed this asset.

List of the most popular queries that accessed this asset.

SOURCE_READ_QUERY_COST: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Total cost of read queries at source.

SOURCE_READ_RECENT_USER_LIST: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of usernames of the most recent users who read this asset.

SOURCE_READ_RECENT_USER_RECORD_LIST: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of usernames with extra insights for the most recent users who read this asset.

SOURCE_READ_SLOW_QUERY_RECORD_LIST: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of the slowest queries that accessed this asset.

SOURCE_READ_TOP_USER_LIST: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of usernames of the users who read this asset the most.

SOURCE_READ_TOP_USER_RECORD_LIST: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of usernames with extra insights for the users who read this asset the most.

SOURCE_READ_USER_COUNT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Total number of unique users that read data from asset.

SOURCE_TOTAL_COST: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Total cost of all operations at source.

SOURCE_UPDATED_AT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Time (epoch) at which this asset was last updated in the source system, in milliseconds.

SOURCE_UPDATED_BY: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Name of the user who last updated this asset, in the source system.

SOURCE_URL: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

URL to the resource within the source application, used to create a button to view this asset in the source application.

STARRED_BY: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Users who have starred this asset.

STARRED_COUNT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Number of users who have starred this asset.

STARRED_DETAILS_LIST: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of usernames with extra information of the users who have starred an asset.

SUB_TYPE: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Subtype of this asset.

TENANT_ID: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Name of the Atlan workspace in which this asset exists.

USER_DESCRIPTION: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Description of this asset, as provided by a user. If present, this will be used for the description in user interface.

VIEWER_GROUPS: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of groups who can view assets contained in a collection. (This is only used for certain asset types.)

VIEWER_USERS: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of users who can view assets contained in a collection. (This is only used for certain asset types.)

VIEW_SCORE: ClassVar[NumericRankField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericRankField object>#

View score for this asset.

classmethod lineage(guid: str, include_archived: bool = False) FluentLineage[source]#

Start a FluentLineage that can be used to get a LineageListRequest that can be used to retrieve all downstream assets. Additional conditions can be chained onto the returned FluentLineage before any asset retrieval is attempted, ensuring all conditions are pushed-down for optimal retrieval. (To change the default direction of downstream chain a .direction() call

  • guid – unique identifier (GUID) for the starting point of lineage

  • include_archived – when True, archived (soft-deleted) assets in lineage will be included


a FluentLineage that can be used to get a LineageListRequest that can be used to retrieve all

downstream assets