Error Handling

All error-handling is done through one of these:

exception pyatlan.errors.AtlanError(error_code: ErrorInfo, *args, **kwargs)[source]
exception pyatlan.errors.ApiConnectionError(error_code: ErrorInfo, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Error that occurs when there is an intermittent issue with the API, such as a network outage or an inability to connect due to an incorrect URL.

exception pyatlan.errors.NotFoundError(error_code: ErrorInfo, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Error that occurs if a requested object does not exist. For example, trying to retrieve an asset that does not exist.

exception pyatlan.errors.InvalidRequestError(error_code: ErrorInfo, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Error that occurs if the request being attempted is not valid for some reason, such as containing insufficient * parameters or incorrect values for those parameters.

exception pyatlan.errors.ApiError(error_code: ErrorInfo, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Error that occurs when the SDK receives a response that indicates a problem, but that the SDK currently has no other way of interpreting. Basically, this is a catch-all for errors that do not fit any more specific exception.

exception pyatlan.errors.AuthenticationError(error_code: ErrorInfo, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Error that occurs when there is a problem with the API token configured in the SDK.

exception pyatlan.errors.PermissionError(error_code: ErrorInfo, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Error that occurs if the API token configured for the SDK does not have permission to access or carry out the requested operation on a given object. These can be temporary in nature, as there is some asynchronous processing that occurs when permissions are granted.

exception pyatlan.errors.ConflictError(error_code: ErrorInfo, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Error that occurs if the operation being attempted hits a conflict within Atlan. For example, trying to create an object that already exists.

exception pyatlan.errors.RateLimitError(error_code: ErrorInfo, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Error that occurs when no further requests are being accepted from the IP address on which the SDK is running. By default, Atlan allows 1800 requests per minute. If your use of the SDK exceed this, you will begin to see these exceptions.

exception pyatlan.errors.LogicError(error_code: ErrorInfo, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Error that occurs when an unexpected logic problem arises. If these are ever experienced, they should be immediately reported against the SDK as bugs.