
class pyatlan.model.assets.DynamoDBSecondaryIndex(*, typeName: str = 'DynamoDBSecondaryIndex', attributes: DynamoDBSecondaryIndex.Attributes = None, businessAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, createdBy: str | None = None, createTime: int | None = None, deleteHandler: str | None = None, guid: str = '', isIncomplete: bool | None = True, labels: List[str] | None = None, relationshipAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, status: EntityStatus | None = None, updatedBy: str | None = None, updateTime: int | None = None, version: int | None = None, classifications: List[AtlanTag] | None = None, classificationNames: List[str] | None = None, displayText: str | None = None, entityStatus: str | None = None, relationshipGuid: str | None = None, relationshipStatus: str | None = None, relationshipType: str | None = None, meaningNames: List[str] | None = None, meanings: List[Meaning] | None = None, customAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, scrubbed: bool | None = None, pendingTasks: List[str] | None = None, uniqueAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, appendRelationshipAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, removeRelationshipAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, semantic: SaveSemantic | None = None, depth: int | None = None)[source]#


ALIAS: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Alias for this table.

CALCULATION_VIEW_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Simple name of the calculation view in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a calculation view.

CALCULATION_VIEW_QUALIFIED_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Unique name of the calculation view in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a calculation view.

COLUMN_COUNT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Number of columns in this table.

DATABASE_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Simple name of the database in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a database.

DATABASE_QUALIFIED_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Unique name of the database in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a database.

DYNAMO_DB_PARTITION_KEY: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Specifies the partition key of the DynamoDB Table/Index

DYNAMO_DB_READ_CAPACITY_UNITS: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException

DYNAMO_DB_SECONDARY_INDEX_PROJECTION_TYPE: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Specifies attributes that are projected from the DynamoDB table into the index

DYNAMO_DB_SORT_KEY: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Specifies the sort key of the DynamoDB Table/Index

DYNAMO_DB_STATUS: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Status of the DynamoDB Asset

DYNAMO_DB_WRITE_CAPACITY_UNITS: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException

EXTERNAL_LOCATION: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

External location of this table, for example: an S3 object location.

EXTERNAL_LOCATION_FORMAT: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Format of the external location of this table, for example: JSON, CSV, PARQUET, etc.

EXTERNAL_LOCATION_REGION: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Region of the external location of this table, for example: S3 region.

IS_PARTITIONED: ClassVar[BooleanField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.BooleanField object>#

Whether this table is partitioned (true) or not (false).

IS_PROFILED: ClassVar[BooleanField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.BooleanField object>#

Whether this asset has been profiled (true) or not (false).

IS_QUERY_PREVIEW: ClassVar[BooleanField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.BooleanField object>#

Whether preview queries are allowed for this table (true) or not (false).

IS_SHARDED: ClassVar[BooleanField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.BooleanField object>#

Whether this table is a sharded table (true) or not (false).

IS_TEMPORARY: ClassVar[BooleanField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.BooleanField object>#

Whether this table is temporary (true) or not (false).

LAST_PROFILED_AT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Time (epoch) at which this asset was last profiled, in milliseconds.

NO_SQL_SCHEMA_DEFINITION: ClassVar[TextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.TextField object>#

Represents attributes for describing the key schema for the table and indexes.

PARTITION_COUNT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Number of partitions in this table.

PARTITION_LIST: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

List of partitions in this table.

PARTITION_STRATEGY: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Partition strategy for this table.

QUERY_COUNT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Number of times this asset has been queried.

QUERY_COUNT_UPDATED_AT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Time (epoch) at which the query count was last updated, in milliseconds.

QUERY_PREVIEW_CONFIG: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Configuration for preview queries.

QUERY_USER_COUNT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Number of unique users who have queried this asset.

QUERY_USER_MAP: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Map of unique users who have queried this asset to the number of times they have queried it.

ROW_COUNT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Number of rows in this table.

SCHEMA_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Simple name of the schema in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a schema.

SCHEMA_QUALIFIED_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Unique name of the schema in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a schema.

SIZE_BYTES: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Size of this table, in bytes.

TABLE_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Simple name of the table in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a table.

TABLE_QUALIFIED_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Unique name of the table in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a table.

VIEW_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Simple name of the view in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a view.

VIEW_QUALIFIED_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Unique name of the view in which this SQL asset exists, or empty if it does not exist within a view.