
class pyatlan.model.assets.Referenceable(*, typeName: str = 'Referenceable', attributes: Referenceable.Attributes = None, businessAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, createdBy: str | None = None, createTime: int | None = None, deleteHandler: str | None = None, guid: str = '', isIncomplete: bool | None = True, labels: List[str] | None = None, relationshipAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, status: EntityStatus | None = None, updatedBy: str | None = None, updateTime: int | None = None, version: int | None = None, classifications: List[AtlanTag] | None = None, classificationNames: List[str] | None = None, displayText: str | None = None, entityStatus: str | None = None, relationshipGuid: str | None = None, relationshipStatus: str | None = None, relationshipType: str | None = None, meaningNames: List[str] | None = None, meanings: List[Meaning] | None = None, customAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, scrubbed: bool | None = None, pendingTasks: List[str] | None = None, uniqueAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, appendRelationshipAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, removeRelationshipAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, semantic: SaveSemantic | None = None, depth: int | None = None)[source]#


ASSIGNED_TERMS: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.InternalKeywordTextField object>#

All terms attached to an asset, searchable by the term’s qualifiedName.

ATLAN_TAGS: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.InternalKeywordTextField object>#

All directly-assigned Atlan tags that exist on an asset, searchable by internal hashed-string ID of the Atlan tag.

CREATED_BY: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.InternalKeywordField object>#

Atlan user who created this asset.

CREATE_TIME: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.InternalNumericField object>#

Time (in milliseconds) when the asset was created.

GUID: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.InternalKeywordField object>#

Globally unique identifier (GUID) of any object in Atlan.

PROPAGATED_ATLAN_TAGS: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.InternalKeywordTextField object>#

All propagated Atlan tags that exist on an asset, searchable by internal hashed-string ID of the Atlan tag.

QUALIFIED_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Unique fully-qualified name of the asset in Atlan.

STATUS: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.InternalKeywordField object>#

Asset status in Atlan (active vs deleted).

SUPER_TYPE_NAMES: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.InternalKeywordTextField object>#

All super types of an asset.

TYPE_NAME: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.InternalKeywordTextField object>#

Type of the asset. For example Table, Column, and so on.

UPDATED_BY: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.InternalKeywordField object>#

Atlan user who last updated the asset.

UPDATE_TIME: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.InternalNumericField object>#

Time (in milliseconds) when the asset was last updated.

classmethod can_be_archived() bool[source]#

Indicates if an asset can be archived via the asset.delete_by_guid method. :returns: True if archiving is supported

json(*args, **kwargs) str[source]#

Generate a JSON representation of the model, include and exclude arguments as per dict().

encoder is an optional function to supply as default to json.dumps(), other arguments as per json.dumps().