
class pyatlan.model.assets.MCMonitor(*, typeName: str = 'MCMonitor', attributes: MCMonitor.Attributes = None, businessAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, createdBy: str | None = None, createTime: int | None = None, deleteHandler: str | None = None, guid: str = '', isIncomplete: bool | None = True, labels: List[str] | None = None, relationshipAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, status: EntityStatus | None = None, updatedBy: str | None = None, updateTime: int | None = None, version: int | None = None, classifications: List[AtlanTag] | None = None, classificationNames: List[str] | None = None, displayText: str | None = None, entityStatus: str | None = None, relationshipGuid: str | None = None, relationshipStatus: str | None = None, relationshipType: str | None = None, meaningNames: List[str] | None = None, meanings: List[Meaning] | None = None, customAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, scrubbed: bool | None = None, pendingTasks: List[str] | None = None, uniqueAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, appendRelationshipAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, removeRelationshipAttributes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, semantic: SaveSemantic | None = None, depth: int | None = None)[source]#


MC_MONITOR_ALERT_CONDITION: ClassVar[TextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.TextField object>#

Condition on which the monitor produces an alert.

MC_MONITOR_ASSETS: ClassVar[RelationField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.RelationField object>#


MC_MONITOR_BREACH_RATE: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Rate at which this monitor is breached.

MC_MONITOR_ID: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Unique identifier for this monitor, from Monte Carlo.

MC_MONITOR_INCIDENT_COUNT: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Number of incidents associated with this monitor.

MC_MONITOR_NAMESPACE: ClassVar[KeywordTextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordTextField object>#

Namespace of this monitor.

MC_MONITOR_RULE_COMPARISONS: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Comparison logic used for the rule.

MC_MONITOR_RULE_CUSTOM_SQL: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

SQL code for custom SQL rules.

MC_MONITOR_RULE_IS_SNOOZED: ClassVar[BooleanField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.BooleanField object>#

Whether the rule is currently snoozed (true) or not (false).

MC_MONITOR_RULE_NEXT_EXECUTION_TIME: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Time at which the next execution of the rule should occur.

MC_MONITOR_RULE_PREVIOUS_EXECUTION_TIME: ClassVar[NumericField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.NumericField object>#

Time at which the previous execution of the rule occurred.

MC_MONITOR_RULE_SCHEDULE_CONFIG: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Schedule details for the rule.

MC_MONITOR_RULE_SCHEDULE_CONFIG_HUMANIZED: ClassVar[TextField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.TextField object>#

Readable description of the schedule for the rule.

MC_MONITOR_RULE_TYPE: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Type of rule for this monitor.

MC_MONITOR_SCHEDULE_TYPE: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Type of schedule for this monitor, for example: fixed or dynamic.

MC_MONITOR_STATUS: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Status of this monitor.

MC_MONITOR_TYPE: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Type of this monitor, for example: field health (stats) or dimension tracking (categories).

MC_MONITOR_WAREHOUSE: ClassVar[KeywordField] = <pyatlan.model.fields.atlan_fields.KeywordField object>#

Name of the warehouse for this monitor.