All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for reusable components that are common to all caches, where a cache is populated entry-by-entry.
Utility class for introspecting raw responses from API endpoints.
Base class for reusable components that are common to all caches, where a cache is populated en-masse through batch refreshing.
Generic class through which to cache any key-value pairs efficiently, off-heap, to avoid risking extreme memory usage.
Action for the task
Base class for ADF Activities.
Base class for ADF Dataflows.
Base class for ADF Datasets.
Base class for ADF Linkedservices.
Base class for ADF Pipelines.
Instance of an Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) account in Atlan.
Instance of an Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) container in Atlan.
Instance of an Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) blob / object in Atlan.
Source (keycloak): server-spi-private/src/main/java/org/keycloak/events/admin/
Source (keycloak): server-spi-private/src/main/java/org/keycloak/events/admin/
Captures the results of a single bucket within an aggregation.
Captures the results from a bucket aggregation.
Captures the results from a bucket aggregation.
Captures the results from a metric aggregation.
Base class for all aggregation results in a search.
Deserialization of all AggregationResult objects.
Instance of an AI application in Atlan
Instance of an AI model in Atlan
Instance of an Airflow DAG in Atlan.
Instance of an Airflow task in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanApp in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanDimension in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanLineItem in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanList in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanModel in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanModule in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanPage in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanSystemDimension in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanView in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanWorkspace in Atlan.
Instance of a Anomalo Check in Atlan.
Error that occurs when there is an intermittent issue with the API, such as a network outage or an inability to connect due to an incorrect URL.
Base class for all event-stream response objects.
Error that occurs when the SDK receives a response that indicates a problem, but that the SDK currently has no other way of interpreting.
Instances of APIField in Atlan.
Instances of APIObject in Atlan.
Instance of an API path that could contain one or more endpoints in Atlan.
Instances of APIQuery in Atlan.
Base class for all response objects.
HTTP methods that can be used in API requests.
Instance of an API specification in Atlan.
API endpoints for managing Atlan's API tokens.
Instances of Application in Atlan.
Instances of ApplicationField in Atlan.
Base class for all assets.
Utility class for managing bulk updates in batches.
Class to uniquely identify an asset by its type and qualifiedName.
Internal class to capture batch failures.
Asset creation vs update semantics.
Deserialization of all Asset objects, down through the entire inheritance hierarchy.
API endpoints for operating on assets.
Kind of mutation that was applied to any given asset.
Serialization of all Asset objects, down through the entire inheritance hierarchy.
Captures a specific aggregate result of assets and the views on that asset.
Primary point of configuration for the SDK to one or more tenants.
Interface implemented by asynchronous operations to allow blocking behavior.
Configuration for the SDK against a particular Atlan tenant.
Interface for closeable resources that can be used in try-with clauses or Kotlin use clauses.
Instance of a query collection in Atlan.
Types of connectors that exist in Atlan.
Interface implemented by all enums to get the actual string value required by the Atlan API.
Details about an underlying cause for an error.
A response from Atlan's API, with body represented as a list of Strings (one element in the list per event emitted from the event stream).
Base class for any error raised by interactions with Atlan's APIs.
Base enumeration of all attributes that exist in Atlan, so you do not have to remember their exact spelling or capitalization.
Types of packages (workflows) that exist in Atlan.
Deserialization of all AtlanPolicyAction objects.
Instance of a query in Atlan.
A request to Atlan's API.
Deserialization of all AtlanRequest objects.
Base class for all request payloads.
Serialization of all AtlanRequest objects.
A response from Atlan's API, with body represented as a String.
Interface through which API interaction wrapping is handled.
Class for handling API interactions as streams.
Base class for all structs.
Lazily-loaded cache for translating between Atlan-internal ID strings and human-readable names for Atlan tags.
Structural definition of an Atlan tag.
Custom deserialization of AtlanTag objects.
Atlan tag association handling semantics.
Options that can be defined for an Atlan tag.
Captures the details of an Atlan tag in a request.
Custom serialization of AtlanTag objects.
Detailed entry in the task queue.
Personas associated with a user.
Base class for all API endpoints that ultimately access the underlying metastore.
Used to label fields that should appear in the 'attributes' map of an entity, rather than directly in the top-level object.
Defines the structure of a single attribute for a type definition in Atlan.
Options that can be set on each attribute within a type definition.
An interface used to describe the detailed information within an audit entry.
Search abstraction mechanism, to simplify the most common searches against Atlan's audit log (removing the need to understand the guts of Elastic).
Class from which to configure and run a search against Atlan's activity log.
Captures the response from a search against Atlan's activity log.
Error that occurs when there is a problem with the API token configured in the SDK.
Model to store an accesscontrol policy in Atlas
Policy condition schedule struct
Validity schedule struct for policy
Model to store auth service in Atlas
Detailed information about an AWS CloudWatch metric.
Details that wrap events when sent through AWS (Lambda).
Detailed information about an AWS tag.
Instance of an Azure Event Hub asset, equivalent to a Kafka topic.
Instance of an Azure Event Hub Consumer Group asset, equivalent to Kafka ConsumerGroup.
Instances of AzureServiceBusNamespace in Atlan.
Instances of AzureServiceBusSchema in Atlan.
Instances of AzureServiceBusField in Atlan.
Detailed information about an Azure tag.
Instance of a badge in Atlan.
Detailed information about a condition used in coloring a custom metadata badge in Atlan.
Instance of a Bigquery tag in Atlan.
Instance of business intelligence lineage in Atlan.
Represents any field in Atlan that can be searched only by truthiness.
Represents any field in Atlan that can be used for discovery by truthiness.
Build information for the SDK.
Instance of a business policy template in Atlan.
Exception to a business policy
Incident of business policy
Instance of a business policy log in Atlan.
Rules in the business policy
Instance of a calculation view in Atlan.
A case-insensitive Map.
Base class for all API endpoints that ultimately access Chronos-surfaced services.
Instance of a Cognite 3D model in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognite asset in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognite event in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognite file in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognite sequence in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognite time series in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognos Dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognos datasource in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognos Exploration in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognos file in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognos folder in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognos module in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognos Package in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognos report in Atlan.
Instance of a column in Atlan.
Instance of a column-level lineage process in Atlan.
Detailed information representing a column value and it's frequency.
Base class for fields that can be used to filter all assets.
Class to compose compound queries combining various conditions.
Error that occurs if the operation being attempted hits a conflict within Atlan.
Instance of a connection to a data source in Atlan.
Lazily-loaded cache for translating between a connection's simplified name its details.
Unique identity for a connection, in the form: {{type}}/{{name}} For example: snowflake/development
API endpoints for data contract-specific operations.
Instance of a Cosmos MongoDB account in Atlan.
Instance of a Cosmos MongoDB collection in Atlan.
Instance of a Cosmos MongoDB database in Atlan.
Specialized response for creating a group, as the details included are different from those when updating or retrieving a group.
Status of the user being added to the group during its creation.
API endpoints for operating on Atlan's workflows.
Instance of a cube in Atlan.
Instance of a cube dimension in Atlan.
Instance of a cube field in Atlan.
Instance of a cube hierarchy in Atlan.
Instances of CustomEntity in Atlan.
Capture the attributes and values for a given set of custom metadata.
Capture the attributes and values for custom metadata as tracked through the audit log.
Custom deserialization of CustomMetadataAttributesAuditDetail objects.
Lazily-loaded cache for translating between Atlan-internal ID strings and human-readable names for custom metadata (including attributes).
Structural definition of custom metadata.
Utility class to simplify searching for values on custom metadata attributes.
Custom metadata handling semantics.
Custom deserialization of a map from custom metadata set name to its values.
Custom serialization of a map of custom metadata.
Captures the details of custom metadata in a request.
Containment relationship between two custom entities.
Containment relationship between two custom entities.
Containment relationship between two custom entities.
Inter-relationship between two custom assets.
Inter-relationship between two custom assets.
Inter-relationship between two custom assets.
Instance of a (relational) database in Atlan.
Instance of a Databricks' Unity catalog tag in Atlan.
Data contract for an asset.
Capture the detailed specification of a data contract for an asset.
Instance of a data domain in Atlan.
Instance of a data product in Atlan.
Class from which to configure the assets that should be selected for a data product.
Instance of a Google Data Studio asset in Atlan.
Instances of DataverseAttribute in Atlan.
Instances of DataverseEntity in Atlan.
Used to label fields that should be treated as dates (or timestamps), despite having a Long type (as they persist as epoch timestamps).
Represents any field in Atlan that can be used for discovery by timestamp comparison.
Instance of a column-level dbt process in Atlan.
Detailed information about a dbt job run.
Instance of a dbt metric in Atlan.
Detailed information about a dbt Metric Filter.
Instance of a dbt model in Atlan.
Instance of a column within a dbt model in Atlan.
Instance of a lineage process for dbt in Atlan.
Instance of a dbt source asset in Atlan.
Instance of a dbt tag in Atlan.
Instance of a dbt test in Atlan.
Capture the detailed specification of a data contract for an asset.
Class to compose a single filter criterion for use in a linkable query.
Class used to provide a proxy to building up a linkable query filter with the appropriate subset of conditions available for a given field (property).
Instance of a DocumentDB collection in Atlan.
Instance of a DocumentDB database in Atlan.
Instance of a Domo Card in Atlan.
Instance of a Domo Dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Domo Dataset in Atlan.
Instance of a Domo Dataset Column in Atlan.
Atlan DynamoDB Global Secondary Index
Atlan DynamoDB Local Secondary Index
Atlan DynamoDB Table Asset
ElasticObjectSerializer<T extends co.elastic.clients.json.JsonpSerializable>
Custom serialization of Elastic objects into the JSON expected by Atlan's search interfaces.
Detailed entry in the audit log.
Deserialization of all EntityAudit objects, down through the entire inheritance hierarchy.
Structural definition of an entity.
Class used to define how to filter the assets to fetch when retrieving lineage.
Lazily-loaded cache for accessing details of an enumeration.
Structural definition of an enumeration.
Structure for definition of a valid value in an enumeration.
Represents any field in Atlan that can be used for discovery by a predefined set of values.
Represents any field in Atlan that can be used for discovery by either exactly matching (or not matching) a value.
Class to capture the details of individual error messages.
Instance of a static file in Atlan.
API endpoints for managing files that can be uploaded to Atlan.
Class used to define the composition of multiple filters for objects when retrieving lineage.
Wrapper class to reimplement how filter criteria are output, specifically for data products -- these require a `filter` as a nested map construct within an outer bool, not an array (which is all the default Elastic client will serialize).
Instance of a Fivetran connector asset in Atlan.
Lineage abstraction mechanism, to simplify the most common lineage requests against Atlan (removing the need to understand the guts of Elastic).
Search abstraction mechanism, to simplify the most common searches against Atlan (removing the need to understand the guts of Elastic).
Search abstraction mechanism, to simplify the most common searches against Atlan task queue (removing the need to understand the guts of Elastic).
Instance of a folder within a query collection in Atlan.
Instance of a function in Atlan.
Instance of a Google Cloud Storage bucket in Atlan.
Instance of a Google Cloud Storage object in Atlan.
Class to encapsulate configuration for the generators.
Instance of a glossary in Atlan.
Utility class for traversing the category hierarchy in a Glossary.
Terms that have the opposite (or near opposite) meaning, in the same language.
Terms that have the opposite (or near opposite) meaning, in the same language.
Instance of a category in Atlan, an organizational construct for glossary terms.
Relationship between a more abstract and more concrete concept.
Relationship between a more abstract and more concrete concept.
Relationship between a more abstract and more concrete concept.
Indicates term(s) should be used in place of another.
Indicates term(s) should be used in place of another.
Indicates term(s) should be used in place of another.
Links terms that may also be of interest.
Links terms that may also be of interest.
Indicates term(s) must be used instead of another.
Indicates term(s) must be used instead of another.
Indicates term(s) must be used instead of another.
Assigns meaning to an asset by linking the term that describes the meaning of the asset.
Assigns meaning to an asset by linking the term that describes the meaning of the asset.
Terms that have the same (or a very similar) meaning, in the same language.
Terms that have the same (or a very similar) meaning, in the same language.
Instance of a term in Atlan.
Organizes terms into categories.
Organizes terms into categories.
Organizes terms into categories.
Related terms that represent the same meaning, but each written in a different language.
Related terms that represent the same meaning, but each written in a different language.
Related terms that represent the same meaning, but each written in a different language.
Terms that represent valid values for another, for example: 'red', 'blue', 'green' could all be valid values for a term 'color'.
Terms that represent valid values for another, for example: 'red', 'blue', 'green' could all be valid values for a term 'color'.
Terms that represent valid values for another, for example: 'red', 'blue', 'green' could all be valid values for a term 'color'.
Detailed information about a Google label.
Detailed information about a Google tag.
Lazily-loaded cache for translating Atlan-internal groups into their various IDs.
API endpoints for interacting with Atlan's groups.
Base class for all API endpoints that ultimately access Heka-surfaced services.
Base class for all API endpoints that ultimately access Heracles-surfaced services.
Detailed information representing a histogram of values.
Base abstract class for HTTP clients used to send requests to Atlan's API.
Represents the content of an HTTP request, i.e.
A read-only view of a set of HTTP headers.
Class that actually handles the HTTP-level communications with Atlan.
Atlan Type representing parent model for Persona, Purpose
Base class for ADF assets.
Base class for ADF Activities.
Base class for ADF Dataflows.
Base class for ADF Datasets.
Base class for ADF Linkedservices.
Base class for ADF Pipelines.
Base class for Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) assets.
Instance of an Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) account in Atlan.
Instance of an Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) container in Atlan.
Instance of an Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) blob / object in Atlan.
Base class for AI assets.
Instance of an AI application in Atlan
Instance of an AI model in Atlan
Base class for Airflow assets.
Instance of an Airflow DAG in Atlan.
Instance of an Airflow task in Atlan.
Base class for all Anaplan types.
Instances of an AnaplanApp in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanDimension in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanLineItem in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanList in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanModel in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanModule in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanPage in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanSystemDimension in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanView in Atlan.
Instances of an AnaplanWorkspace in Atlan.
Base class for Anomalo assets.
Instance of a Anomalo Check in Atlan.
Base class for API assets.
Instances of APIField in Atlan.
Instances of APIObject in Atlan.
Instance of an API path that could contain one or more endpoints in Atlan.
Instances of APIQuery in Atlan.
Instance of an API specification in Atlan.
Base class for all App types.
Instances of Application in Atlan.
Instances of ApplicationField in Atlan.
Base class for all assets.
Instance of a query collection in Atlan.
Instance of a query in Atlan.
Model to store an accesscontrol policy in Atlas
Model to store auth service in Atlas
Base class for AWS assets.
Base class for Azure assets.
Instance of an Azure Event Hub asset, equivalent to a Kafka topic.
Instance of an Azure Event Hub Consumer Group asset, equivalent to Kafka ConsumerGroup.
Base class for all AzureServiceBus types.
Instances of AzureServiceBusNamespace in Atlan.
Instances of AzureServiceBusSchema in Atlan.
Instances of AzureServiceBusField in Atlan.
Instance of a badge in Atlan.
Base class for business intelligence assets.
Instance of a Bigquery tag in Atlan.
Instance of business intelligence lineage in Atlan.
Instance of a business policy template in Atlan.
Exception to a business policy
Incident of business policy
Instance of a business policy log in Atlan.
Instance of a calculation view in Atlan.
Base class for catalog assets.
Base class for cloud assets.
Base class for Cognite assets.
Instance of a Cognite 3D model in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognite asset in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognite event in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognite file in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognite sequence in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognite time series in Atlan.
Base class for Cognos assets.
Instance of a Cognos Dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognos datasource in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognos Exploration in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognos file in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognos folder in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognos module in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognos Package in Atlan.
Instance of a Cognos report in Atlan.
Instance of a column in Atlan.
Instance of a column-level lineage process in Atlan.
Instance of a connection to a data source in Atlan.
Base class for Cosmos MongoDB assets.
Instance of a Cosmos MongoDB account in Atlan.
Instance of a Cosmos MongoDB collection in Atlan.
Instance of a Cosmos MongoDB database in Atlan.
Instance of a cube in Atlan.
Instance of a cube dimension in Atlan.
Instance of a cube field in Atlan.
Instance of a cube hierarchy in Atlan.
Base class for all Custom types.
Instances of CustomEntity in Atlan.
Instance of a (relational) database in Atlan.
Instance of a Databricks' Unity catalog tag in Atlan.
Data contract for an asset.
Instance of a data domain in Atlan.
Base class for data mesh assets.
Instance of a data product in Atlan.
Base class for data auality assets.
Base class for Google Data Studio assets.
Instance of a Google Data Studio asset in Atlan.
Base class for all Dataverse types.
Instances of DataverseAttribute in Atlan.
Instances of DataverseEntity in Atlan.
Base class for dbt assets.
Instance of a column-level dbt process in Atlan.
Instance of a dbt metric in Atlan.
Instance of a dbt model in Atlan.
Instance of a column within a dbt model in Atlan.
Instance of a lineage process for dbt in Atlan.
Instance of a dbt source asset in Atlan.
Instance of a dbt tag in Atlan.
Instance of a dbt test in Atlan.
Base class for DocumentDB assets.
Instance of a DocumentDB collection in Atlan.
Instance of a DocumentDB database in Atlan.
Base class for Domo assets.
Instance of a Domo Card in Atlan.
Instance of a Domo Dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Domo Dataset in Atlan.
Instance of a Domo Dataset Column in Atlan.
DynamoDB Assets
Atlan DynamoDB Global Secondary Index
Atlan DynamoDB Local Secondary Index
Atlan DynamoDB Secondary Index
Atlan DynamoDB Table Asset
Base class for event store assets.
Instance of a static file in Atlan.
Base class for Fivetran assets.
Instance of a Fivetran connector asset in Atlan.
Instance of a folder within a query collection in Atlan.
Instance of a function in Atlan.
Base class for Google Cloud Storage (GCS) assets.
Instance of a Google Cloud Storage bucket in Atlan.
Instance of a Google Cloud Storage object in Atlan.
Instance of a glossary in Atlan.
Instance of a category in Atlan, an organizational construct for glossary terms.
Instance of a term in Atlan.
Base class for Google assets.
Base class for Incident assets.
Base class for Insights assets in Atlan.
Base class for Kafka assets.
Instance of a Kafka ConsumerGroup in Atlan.
Instance of a Kafka Topic in Atlan.
Instance of a lineage process in Atlan.
Instance of a link in Atlan.
Base class for Looker assets.
Instance of a Looker dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Looker Explore in Atlan.
Instance of a Looker field in Atlan.
Instance of a Looker folder in Atlan.
Instance of a Looker Look in Atlan.
Instance of a Looker model in Atlan.
Instance of a Looker project in Atlan.
Instance of a Looker tile in Atlan.
Instance of a Looker view in Atlan.
API endpoints for managing images that can be uploaded to Atlan.
Instance of a materialized view in Atlan.
Base class for Matillion assets.
Instance of a Matillion component in Atlan.
Instance of a Matillion group in Atlan.
Instance of a Matillion job in Atlan.
Instance of a Matillion project in Atlan.
Instance of a Monte Carlo incident in Atlan.
Instance of a Monte Carlo monitor in Atlan.
Base class for Metabase assets.
Instance of a Metabase collection in Atlan.
Instance of a Metabase dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Metabase question in Atlan.
Base class for data quality metrics assets.
Base class for MicroStrategy assets.
Instance of a MicroStrategy attribute in Atlan.
Instance of a MicroStrategy cube in Atlan.
Instance of a MicroStrategy document in Atlan.
Instance of a MicroStrategy dossier in Atlan.
Instance of a MicroStrategy fact in Atlan.
Instance of a MicroStrategy metric in Atlan.
Instance of a MicroStrategy project in Atlan.
Instance of a MicroStrategy report in Atlan.
Instance of a MicroStrategy visualization in Atlan.
Base class for Mode assets.
Instance of a Mode chart in Atlan.
Instance of a Mode collection in Atlan.
Assets used to model data and information.
Instance of an attribute within a data model entity in Atlan.
Instance of a data attribute association in Atlan.
Instance of a data model in Atlan.
Instance of an entity within a version of a data model in Atlan.
Instance of a data entity association in Atlan.
Instance of a version of a data model in Atlan.
Instance of a Mode query in Atlan.
Instance of a Mode report in Atlan.
Instance of a Mode workspace in Atlan.
Base class for MongoDB assets.
Instance of a MongoDB collection in Atlan.
Instance of a MongoDB database in Atlan.
Base class for Monte Carlo assets.
API endpoints for impersonating users as part of Atlan automations (if desired).
A dataset with multiple dimensions
Base class for query collections and folders.
Class from which to configure and run a search against Atlan.
Captures the response from a search against Atlan.
Instance of an asset where we cannot determine (have not yet modeled) its detailed information.
Instance of a relationship's attributes where we cannot determine (have not yet modeled) its detailed information.
Base class for NoSQL assets.
Base class for Insights assets in Atlan.
Represents any field in Atlan that can be searched only by keyword (no text-analyzed fuzziness), and can also be searched against a special internal field directly within Atlan.
Represents any field in Atlan that can be searched by keyword or text-based search operations, and can also be searched against a special internal field directly within Atlan.
Represents any field in Atlan that can be searched using only numeric search operations, and can also be searched against a special internal field directly within Atlan.
Error that occurs if the request being attempted is not valid for some reason, such as containing insufficient parameters or incorrect values for those parameters.
Base class for object store assets.
Atlan Type representing a Persona model
Base class for Power BI assets.
Instance of a Power BI column in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI dataflow in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI Dataflow Entity Column in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI dataset in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI datasource in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI measure in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI page in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI report in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI table in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI tile in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI workspace in Atlan.
Base class for Preset assets.
Instance of a Preset chart in Atlan.
Instance of a Preset dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Preset dataset in Atlan.
Instance of a Preset workspace in Atlan.
Instance of a stored procedure (routine) in Atlan.
Atlan Type representing a Purpose model
Base class for Qlik assets.
Instance of a Qlik app in Atlan.
Instance of a Qlik chart in Atlan.
Instance of a Qlik dataset, datafile, datastore or dataasset in Atlan.
Instance of a Qlik sheet in Atlan.
Instance of a Qlik space in Atlan.
Instance of a Qlik stream in Atlan, which is analogus to a Qlik space.
Base class for QuickSight assets.
Instance of a QuickSight analysis in Atlan.
Instance of a QuickSight analysis visual in Atlan.
Instance of a QuickSight dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a QuickSight dashboard visual in Atlan.
Instance of a QuickSight dataset in Atlan.
Instance of a QuickSight dataset field in Atlan.
Instance of a QuickSight folder in Atlan.
Instance of a README in Atlan.
Instance of a README template in Atlan.
Base class for Redash assets.
Instance of a Redash dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Redash query in Atlan.
Instance of a Redash visualization in Atlan.
Base class for all entities.
Base class for resources.
Base class for S3 assets.
Instance of an S3 bucket in Atlan.
Instance of an S3 object in Atlan.
Base class for SaaS application assets.
Base class for Salesforce assets.
Instance of a Salesforce dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Salesforce field in Atlan.
Instance of a Salesforce object in Atlan.
Instance of a Salesforce organization in Atlan.
Instance of a Salesforce report in Atlan.
Instance of a database schema in Atlan.
Instance of a schema registry in Atlan.
Instance of a schema registry subject in Atlan.
Base class for Sigma assets.
Instance of a Sigma data element in Atlan.
Instance of a Sigma data element field in Atlan.
Instance of a Sigma dataset in Atlan.
Instance of a Sigma dataset column in Atlan.
Instance of a Sigma page in Atlan.
Instance of a Sigma workbook in Atlan.
Base class for Sisense assets.
Instance of a Sisense dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Sisense datamodel in Atlan.
Instance of a Sisense datamodel table in Atlan.
Instance of a Sisense folder in Atlan.
Instance of a Sisense widget in Atlan.
Instance of a Snowflake dynamic table in Atlan.
Instance of a Snowflake pipe in Atlan.
Instance of a Snowflake stream in Atlan.
Instance of a Snowflake tag in Atlan.
Base class for Soda assets.
Instance of a Soda check in Atlan.
Instance of a source-system-imported tag in Atlan.
Base class for Spark assets
Instance of a Spark Job run in Atlan.
Base class for SQL assets.
Atlan Type representing Stakeholders
Instance of a stakeholder title for Domains in Atlan
Base class for all Superset types.
Instances of Superset Chart in Atlan.
Instances of SupersetDashboard in Atlan.
Instances of SupersetDataset in Atlan.
Instance of a database table in Atlan.
Base class for Tableau assets.
Instance of a Tableau calculated field in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau datasource in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau datasource field in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau calculated or datasource field in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau flow in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau metric in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau project in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau site in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau workbook in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau worksheet in Atlan.
Instance of a database table partition in Atlan.
Base class for all (source-specific) tag assets.
Represents Source tag association asset
Instance of a Task for user in Atlan.
Base class for Thoughtspot assets.
Instance of a Thoughtspot answer in Atlan.
Instance of a Thoughtspot column in Atlan.
Instance of a Thoughtspot dashlet in Atlan.
Instance of a Thoughtspot liveboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Thoughtspot table in Atlan.
Instance of a Thoughtspot view in Atlan.
Instance of a Thoughtspot worksheet in Atlan.
Instance of a database view in Atlan.
Instance of a governance workflow.
Instance of an workflow run.
Utilities for interacting with Jackson for serialization and deserialization.
Instance of a Kafka ConsumerGroup in Atlan.
Instance of a Kafka Topic in Atlan.
Detailed information about the consumption of a Kafka topic.
Source (keycloak): server-spi-private/src/main/java/org/keycloak/events/
A KeyValuePair holds a key and a value.
Represents any field in Atlan that can be searched only by keyword (no text-analyzed fuzziness).
Represents any field in Atlan that can be searched by keyword or text-based search operations.
Represents any field in Atlan that can be searched by keyword or text-based search operations, including a stemmed variation of the text analyzers.
Class used to define how to filter assets and relationships when fetching lineage.
Class used to provide a proxy to building up a lineage filter with the appropriate subset of conditions available.
Class used to provide a proxy to building up a lineage filter with the appropriate subset of conditions available, for boolean fields.
Class used to provide a proxy to building up a lineage filter with the appropriate subset of conditions available, for custom metadata fields.
Class used to provide a proxy to building up a lineage filter with the appropriate subset of conditions available, for numeric fields.
Class used to provide a proxy to building up a lineage filter with the appropriate subset of conditions available, for string-searchable fields.
Captures the response from a lineage retrieval against Atlan.
Instance of a lineage process in Atlan.
Capture minimal information about an asset for lineage reference purposes.
Instance of a link in Atlan.
Class to compose compound queries combining various conditions, that can be used to generate links (URLs) for the discovery page in Atlan.
Class that wraps the API request and response handling, such as detecting errors from specific response codes.
Error that occurs when an unexpected logic problem arises.
API endpoints for access Atlan's event logs.
Instance of a Looker dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Looker Explore in Atlan.
Instance of a Looker field in Atlan.
Instance of a Looker folder in Atlan.
Instance of a Looker Look in Atlan.
Instance of a Looker model in Atlan.
Instance of a Looker project in Atlan.
Instance of a Looker tile in Atlan.
Instance of a Looker view in Atlan.
Instance of a materialized view in Atlan.
Instance of a Matillion component in Atlan.
Instance of a Matillion group in Atlan.
Instance of a Matillion job in Atlan.
Instance of a Matillion project in Atlan.
Instance of a Monte Carlo incident in Atlan.
Instance of a Monte Carlo monitor in Atlan.
Detailed information about the comparison logic of a Monte Carlo rule.
Detailed information about the schedule for a Monte Carlo rule.
Detailed information about a term related to an asset.
Instance of a Metabase collection in Atlan.
Instance of a Metabase dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Metabase question in Atlan.
Instance of a MicroStrategy attribute in Atlan.
Instance of a MicroStrategy cube in Atlan.
Instance of a MicroStrategy document in Atlan.
Instance of a MicroStrategy dossier in Atlan.
Instance of a MicroStrategy fact in Atlan.
Instance of a MicroStrategy metric in Atlan.
Instance of a MicroStrategy project in Atlan.
Instance of a MicroStrategy report in Atlan.
Instance of a MicroStrategy visualization in Atlan.
Instance of a Mode chart in Atlan.
Instance of a Mode collection in Atlan.
Instance of an attribute within a data model entity in Atlan.
Instance of a data attribute association in Atlan.
Instance of a data model in Atlan.
Instance of an entity within a version of a data model in Atlan.
Instance of a data entity association in Atlan.
Structure through which a model entity and its subcomponents (attributes) can be traversed.
Structure through which various model assets can all be traversed.
Instance of a version of a data model in Atlan.
Instance of a Mode query in Atlan.
Instance of a Mode report in Atlan.
Instance of a Mode workspace in Atlan.
Instance of a MongoDB collection in Atlan.
Instance of a MongoDB database in Atlan.
Currently unused — may be useful longer-term for endpoints that need to upload files (TBC).
Definition of arbitrary name-value pairs.
Error that occurs if a requested object does not exist.
Represents any field in Atlan that can be searched using only numeric search operations.
Represents any field in Atlan that can be used for discovery by numerical comparison.
Represents any field in Atlan that can be searched using only numeric search operations, but also has a rank-orderable index.
Unique name of an object in Atlan in a fully constructable way, without relying on any specifics of an Atlan tenant.
Generic class through which to cache any assets efficiently, off-heap, to avoid risking extreme memory usage.
Generic class through which to cache any batch failures efficiently, off-heap, to avoid risking extreme memory usage.
Base class for handling OpenLineage datasets, passing through to the OpenLineage Java SDK but wrapping datasets such that they are handled appropriately in the Atlan Java SDK.
API endpoints for interacting with OpenLineage.
Atlan wrapper for abstracting OpenLineage events.
Base class for handling OpenLineage datasets to be used as lineage sources (inputs), passing through to the OpenLineage Java SDK but wrapping datasets such that they are handled appropriately in the Atlan Java SDK.
Atlan wrapper for abstracting OpenLineage jobs.
Base class for handling OpenLineage datasets to be used as lineage targets (outputs), passing through to the OpenLineage Java SDK but wrapping datasets such that they are handled appropriately in the Atlan Java SDK.
Atlan wrapper for abstracting OpenLineage runs.
Utility class for managing bulk updates across multiple parallel-running batches.
Response containing the details of a parsed SQL query.
Details about a column accessed by a query.
Details about a database object in a query.
Details of any errors during query parsing.
Details about relationships found in a query.
Details about one end of a relationship in a query.
Error that occurs if the API token configured for the SDK does not have permission to access or carry out the requested operation on a given object.
Atlan Type representing a Persona model
API endpoints for operating on Atlan's playbooks.
Detailed information about an asset's usage or popularity based on aggregated queries.
Instance of a Power BI column in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI dataflow in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI Dataflow Entity Column in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI dataset in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI datasource in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI measure in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI page in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI report in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI table in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI tile in Atlan.
Instance of a Power BI workspace in Atlan.
Instance of a Preset chart in Atlan.
Instance of a Preset dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Preset dataset in Atlan.
Instance of a Preset workspace in Atlan.
Instance of a stored procedure (routine) in Atlan.
PropagateTags indicates whether tags should propagate across the relationship instance.
Atlan Type representing a Purpose model
Instance of a Qlik app in Atlan.
Instance of a Qlik chart in Atlan.
Instance of a Qlik dataset, datafile, datastore or dataasset in Atlan.
Instance of a Qlik sheet in Atlan.
Instance of a Qlik space in Atlan.
Instance of a Qlik stream in Atlan, which is analogus to a Qlik space.
API endpoints for running SQL queries.
API endpoints for parsing SQL queries.
Response containing the details of a parsed SQL query.
Details about an asset that was queried, in case of errors.
Details about the columns that were returned from a query that was run.
Details about the type of column that was returned from a query that was run.
Details about a query that was run.
Instance of a QuickSight analysis in Atlan.
Instance of a QuickSight analysis visual in Atlan.
Instance of a QuickSight dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a QuickSight dashboard visual in Atlan.
Instance of a QuickSight dataset in Atlan.
Instance of a QuickSight dataset field in Atlan.
Instance of a QuickSight folder in Atlan.
Error that occurs when no further requests are being accepted from the IP address on which the SDK is running.
Custom deserialization of a map from custom metadata set name to its values.
Custom serialization of a map of custom metadata.
Instance of a README in Atlan.
Instance of a README template in Atlan.
Instance of a Redash dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Redash query in Atlan.
Instance of a Redash visualization in Atlan.
Lazily-loaded cache for Java reflection-based operations across the Atlan data model.
Represents any field used to capture a relationship in Atlan, which is not inherently searchable.
Defines the structure of a single relationship attribute for a type definition in Atlan.
Deserialization of all RelationshipAttributes objects.
The Relationship category determines the style of relationship around containment and lifecycle.
Structural definition of an entity.
Defines the characteristics of the structure of one end of a relationship.
A class to capture a value that can be explicitly set to null, so that we can serialize it accordingly.
Type of empty value (primitives and lists are treated differently on serialization).
Serialization of the Removable placeholder object, to allow the SDK to serialize null values only when it should intentionally clear out some value.
Class to capture response time metrics at the lowest level of granularity we can from the client-side.
Class to encapsulate all the options that can be overridden on individual API calls.
API endpoints for interacting with Atlan's requests.
Lazily-loaded cache for translating Atlan-internal roles into their various IDs.
API endpoints for interacting with Atlan's roles.
Instance of an S3 bucket in Atlan.
Instance of an S3 object in Atlan.
Instance of a Salesforce dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Salesforce field in Atlan.
Instance of a Salesforce object in Atlan.
Instance of a Salesforce organization in Atlan.
Instance of a Salesforce report in Atlan.
Instance of a database schema in Atlan.
Instance of a schema registry subject in Atlan.
Base class for any field in Atlan that can be searched.
Base class for any relationship field in Atlan that can be searched.
Search abstraction mechanism, to simplify the most common searches against Atlan's log of past searches (removing the need to understand the guts of Elastic).
API endpoints for operating on assets.
Base class for entries in the search log.
Class from which to configure and run a search against Atlan's log of past searches.
Captures the response from a search against Atlan's search log.
Set of search parameters that are returned as part of the response of a search against Atlan.
Utility class for static objects used for serialization and deserialization.
Deserialization of the SessionResponse object, since it is only a list of sessions (no wrapper), and for all our API interactions we need an object that extends ApiResource.
Serialization of sets into plain strings, as expected in certain places in the API.
Instance of a Sigma data element in Atlan.
Instance of a Sigma data element field in Atlan.
Instance of a Sigma dataset in Atlan.
Instance of a Sigma dataset column in Atlan.
Instance of a Sigma page in Atlan.
Instance of a Sigma workbook in Atlan.
This is a copy / paste of the same class under lombok.core.handlers.Singulars (with some minor simplification).
Instance of a Sisense dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Sisense datamodel in Atlan.
Instance of a Sisense datamodel table in Atlan.
Instance of a Sisense folder in Atlan.
Instance of a Sisense widget in Atlan.
Instance of a Snowflake dynamic table in Atlan.
Instance of a Snowflake pipe in Atlan.
Instance of a Snowflake stream in Atlan.
Instance of a Snowflake tag in Atlan.
Instance of a Soda check in Atlan.
Instance of a source-system-imported tag in Atlan.
Detailed information about the attachment of a tag to an Atlan asset, synced from source.
Detailed information about the value of a source tag's attachment to an asset.
Detailed information about a source tag's attributes.
Lazily-loaded cache for translating between source-synced tags and the qualifiedName of such tags.
Unique identity for a source tag, in the form: {{connectorType}}/{{connectorName}}@@DB/SCHEMA/TAG_NAME For example: snowflake/development@@DB/SCHEMA/TAG_NAME
Instance of a Spark Job run in Atlan.
API endpoints for operating on Atlan's SSO configuration.
Atlan Type representing Stakeholders
Instance of a stakeholder title for Domains in Atlan
Detailed information about the users who have starred an asset.
This class provides a set of methods and properties that can be used to accurately measure elapsed time.
Utilities for working with streams of data.
Represents any field in Atlan that can be used for discovery only by exactly matching a value (positively).
Represents any field in Atlan that can be used for discovery by string comparisons.
Deserialization of plain strings into sets, as expected in certain places in the API.
Utilities for working with strings.
Structural definition of an object that can be reused in other type definitions.
Deserialization of all AtlanStruct objects.
Captures the response from a search for suggestions on an asset's metadata against Atlan.
Suggestion abstraction mechanism, to simplify finding suggestions for metadata enrichment for a given asset.
Instances of Superset Chart in Atlan.
Instances of SupersetDashboard in Atlan.
Instances of SupersetDataset in Atlan.
Instance of a database table in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau calculated field in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau dashboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau datasource in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau datasource field in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau flow in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau metric in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau project in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau site in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau workbook in Atlan.
Instance of a Tableau worksheet in Atlan.
Instance of a database table partition in Atlan.
Represents Source tag association asset
Class to compose a single filter criterion, by tag, for use in a linkable query.
Instance of a Task for user in Atlan.
API endpoints for operating on tasks.
Class from which to configure and run a search against Atlan's task queue.
Captures the response from a search against Atlan's task queue.
Represents any field in Atlan that can only be searched using text-related search operations.
Instance of a Thoughtspot answer in Atlan.
Instance of a Thoughtspot column in Atlan.
Instance of a Thoughtspot dashlet in Atlan.
Instance of a Thoughtspot liveboard in Atlan.
Instance of a Thoughtspot table in Atlan.
Instance of a Thoughtspot view in Atlan.
Instance of a Thoughtspot worksheet in Atlan.
Base class for all type definitions (typedefs) in Atlan.
Wrapper used for both requests and responses for type definitions.
API endpoints for operating on Atlan's type definitions (in simple terms the underlying metadata model).
Lazily-loaded cache for translating Atlan-internal users into their various IDs.
A generic relationship to hold relationship between any type of asset
A generic relationship to hold relationship between any type of asset
A generic relationship to hold relationship between any type of asset
Specialized response for minimalist user details, as returned by some operations.
API endpoints for interacting with Atlan's users.
Captures a specific aggregate result of views of an asset by a specific user.
Instance of a database view in Atlan.
Instance of a governance workflow.
Definition of a runnable workflow in Atlan.
Definition of the tasks within a workflow step.
Metadata that describes a workflow.
Definition of the parameters used when running a task.
Instance of an workflow run.
Encapsulation of a single search result for workflows.
Definition of a workflow in Atlan.
API endpoints for operating on Atlan's workflows.
Definition of the workflow: its inputs, outputs and logic.
Definition of a single task within a single step of a workflow.
Definition of a specific step in a workflow process.
Reference to an existing workflow template.